Opening of Renfield's

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Bastien’s pov

Me and Lottie are so excited.  It’s opening night for the new bar tonight and we are hoping to have a good crowd.  Fliers have been sent out to all the right clientele.  Websites were updated.  Everything is in order.  Tiki lights everywhere were lit.   Caskets were checked and in working order. Our new staff The 4 as we call them were all wearing the custom made cloaks with hoods in a deep red colour.  I must say Lacey looks very pretty in her cloak.  Opal looks happy and relaxed for a change and the lads do too. 

Nate is very funny, cracking jokes about “drink our special brew- it’s got bite!” I’d say he’s got natural sales skills.  Ortho is still very quiet he doesn’t like to talk much. Lacey is very sweet and friendly where opal is strange and looks at you almost hypnotically.  She is the one who freaks Vera out the most.

Jordan and Josh are minding Vera tonight as it’s our big night. Lottie and Jordan have called a truce on their argument as Vera says she feels safe there especially while Opal is around our house.

I have put in a security system in the entrance from the bar to our house so anyone passing through will be recorded.  Vera’s been having nightmares again but won’t discuss them with us.  She keeps saying she forgets the minute she wakes up. But I don’t believe her neither does Lottie.  So we’ve asked Josh and Jordan to keep an eye on her and for Jordan to see if she can read her mind for any clues. 

I have an ear piece that’s got a little microphone thing attached and sits near my mouth that I can change frequencies on depending on who I want to talk to.  Tonight we have 4 bouncers on duty, McKenzie, Connors, Morrissey, and Moore.  Each guy is over 6ft and is big and burly and takes no nonsense.  We also have Alec and Faine as pretend customers as well as Lottie and myself and the 4.

“Open the bar gate McKenzie” I say on my mouth piece.

“Yes sir, whoa! There’s a big crowd headed your way sir. Morrissey and Connors will stamp them as they go through.”

“Thanks McKenzie” I replied and was filled with glee. A big crowd. As for the stamp it’s a little neon thing with the shape of a little vampire bat.  Each person has to be pressed on the hand and it stamps neon yellow on humans but blue on vampires. Neat little trick that Alec found on some website.

The first faces that came through the passage way were so familiar, they were Sean and Luke from the Scottish clan I had inherited. Along with a few other members of the clan mixed in with other vampires I didn’t know and some humans too.  What an odd bunch.

Sean came up to me and clapped a hand on my back while shaking my other one.

“Bastien, you’re looking well, Lottie seems to have brought the best out of you.” He grinned and leaned over and pulled Lottie into a bear hug and kissed her cheek.  She smiled and greeted him the same way.

“Sean, welcome, is Luke with you? She turned around delightedly when she heard

“Right here Madame” behind her and with a squeal she grabbed him in a bear hug too.  I was kind of surprised, they hadn’t spent much time in Scotland together but I guess he made an impact on her.  I wasn’t terribly jealous; she had just married me after all.

“Luke, old man it’s been too long.  Do you know that Vera is 9 now!” I said smiling. He released Lottie and came over to shake my hand and give me a man hug.

Suddenly Afton came racing into the bar and shoved people out of his way to get to me.  He looked so anxious that it made me afraid.

“What’s wrong Afton? Talk to me!”

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