Level 1: Welcome, players.

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"No!" I cried as a animatronic chicken leaped at me from on my screen."It was 5 A.M!" I rolled away from my laptop in disgust. "Stupid animatronic Demon chicken. I had my mask on too." I grumble out to the kitchen, where the delicious smell of cooking pork and fresh potatoes hit me, causing me to move a bit faster as I hurried in the kitchen. "Hey there,kiddo. Dinner will be ready soon. How was your game?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Eh. It kinda sucked." "Quinton McAuliffe! Watch your mouth!" My mother said harshly. "Sorry,mom." I said as I reached for a plate to eat off of. "Any who, your friend called. He said to give him a video chat after dinner. He didn't say about what though." "Thanks mom. It probably has to do with the game I'm playing anyways." After receiving a pork chop and mashed potatoes with garlic salt sprinkled on it, I walked out to the living room to watch the news with my dad. As I walked up , the anchor was on with some breaking news. " Another mysterious death has occurred in the Albany county area. This time, 8-year old Shawn Ivanov was found dead in his room earlier today. Shawn was reported to have been alive and well last night, but by the time his mother came to get Shawn from his room, Shawn was dead. Investigators report the cause of death was being choked. Shawn's windpipe was crushed shut, according to inside sources, and that he was surrounded by papers related to the famous horror game that he was playing the evening he died: Slender. Kyle Smith, channel 29 news." My dad turned changed the channel and turned to me. "You see? Video games are bad for you." I did not reply, partially to the pork chop in my mouth, partially to the fact that Shawn,one of the people I hang out online with, is dead, and I needed to tell someone while the news was fresh in my mind. After washing my dish, I trudged to my room and sat down in front of my laptop, where I forgot to close the game I was playing. The game's signature trio stared out back at me, daring me to click continue night 5. "Oh, go the hell away."I muttered as I exited the game to call my friend. After three rings,my friend,Ivan Cabrera, answered looking like one of those dudes from anime tv shows with the shiny glasses. "Hey man. You hear about Shawn?" "Just did. This sucks that he just died. Especially like that." I replied. The silence was deafening. "So... What are we gonna do?" Ivan asked. "I don't know... Let's just do what we know best. And that's..." I fade off as a third caller tries to jump in. " who's this? I didn't tell anybody we were gonna talk." "Chill, Ivan. It's probably Evan trying to tell us he wants to play. I got it." I moved the mouse over to the answer call button. I was greeted by a dark forest on the bottom left of my screen. "Hello? Can I help you?" I asked. "Why yes. Yes you can." Said a deep voice. "You see, Quinton, I've grown bored. And I need two players in a... Well, let's call it a game. You see, I killed Shawn. He  couldn't handle the game. Now I need somebody to take his place." "You sick son of a..." "Ah ah ah, Ivan. Threatening me wouldn't do you any good. You see, if you try to hurt me, or call the cops, you will live to regret that choice very, very much." "Okay, Mr. Whatever your face is. What do up you want?" I said, before Ivan could open his mouth. "I want you two to go to your desktops tonight at 11. Then I want you both to open your game of Slender. You'll know what to do from there. Have fun boys." The caller disconnected. We both sat there in silence, staring at each other. "WHAT THE LIVING HELL JUST HAPPENED?", Ivan screamed. I kept quiet, trying to piece together a plan. "Ivan." "We have to tell somebody what just happened!" "IVAN!" That shocked him into silence, since he has never heard me yell at him before. "We have to think. Why would some guy, psycho,or not, admit to killing Shawn,tells us what to do, then leaves?" "I don't know. I didn't take psychology, remember?" We sat there for a bit, just staring. "Quinton... What if... this is real? What if we have to do this?" I didn't answer him. I didn't know how to answer him, because I was afraid it would make everything worse. "Ivan... Wear something comfy tonight. Like jeans and a jacket. You never know." With that, we agreed to call each other by phone at 10:55. After ending the call, I turned to look at my desktop. It was just a old 32 inch monitor with a tower I built back in middle school. It had windows 8 and ran like a dream. But now, looking at the monitor, I feared that unknown horrors would soon come from that very thing I built. 

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