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Next day~


"Make sure you have your things with you, baby" I remind Kyungsoo and turn around to my butlers.

"Take all of these bags to the airport" I hand them the bags, "Thank you guys, see you there"

"Yes, Vice Chairman Kim"

"That sounds so damn awkward" I giggle, "Call me Kai, will you?"

They look at each other before passing me a rather weirded out look. One by one, they start to shake their heads. What? I am not a prince, I'm just a son who's blessed to be in this fortunate family. That doesnt make me any different than them.

"Oh come on, you'll be working with me for a long time! You'll be tired to call me that. Lets be comfortable with each other"

These butlers also act like some bodyguards at times. They assist us to meetings and drive us to important events.

"Nae, Kai" One of them speaks up, "Thank you. Lets be comfortable with each other"

"That's nice, hyung. I'll meet you at the airport. You may go now"

"Drive safely, Kai!" All of them said and now I feel much better!

"Thank you, you too hyung!"

I walk back into the house to collect my husband, he can be real slow sometimes. I call out for him and within seconds, he is already skipping down the stairs with Candice in his arms.

"Hey, Candice. You look like you're in a good mood" I pet the cat's head and she purrs rather loudly.

"She said she's sad that she cant come with us" Kyungsoo who is a part time cat translator coos at the cat, giving kisses on top of her head.

"Dont worry, baby. Won ahjumma is a great pet caretaker"

At the airport~

We step out of the car and one of the butlers waiting for us takes over my seat. He will drive the car home for me. Kyungsoo has already charged for Won ahjumma who is waiting at the side.

"Candice! You look so pretty!" Won Ahjumma claims, excited to see the cat in her cage.

Kyungsoo passes the cage over to her and I join them in a small circle.

"I promise she'll look even more fat than now once you're home in Korea" Won Ahjumma pats Kyungsoo's shoulder as he is looking a little somber.

"Thank you" Kyungsoo brightens up a little and a butler gives a sign that it is almost time to board the plane.

Our parents are out station for a quick meet up with their friends so they couldnt be here to send us off.

"I think we'll have to go now"

Kyungsoo nods, holding tight on his small bag, "Come on"

The butlers follow us from behind with our two luggages. We stop right in front of the boarding gate and I step closer to the butlers with a smile.

"We'll go now. Kangjun please take a look on my parents and Dae San will take a look on Kyungsoo's parents. Report to us right away if something happens, okay?" I said, in all seriousness because our parents can be a lot.

It worries me whenever I go far away.

"Dont worry about that, Kai" Kangjun chuckles, "They will be fine. We'll make sure of it"

"Yeah, just have fun with your honeymoon! We'll be waiting for your safe return"

"Thank you guys, I'll go now"

Bride To A Pervert [Kaisoo] [BoyxBoy][CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now