Slowly I open my eyes. Staring up at the lights I squint and listen to my heartbeat monitor. I try to move but it feels like I'm paralyzed.
I look to my right and see Cameron sitting there asleep with his hand in mine. I try as hard as I can to move my fingers but I can't.
On his face I see little stubble. That's odd, he usually shaves. How long have I been out?
I try to speak but no words come out. Again I try as hard as I can to squeeze his hand but nothing. Come on Sarah you got this. I tell myself.
It take all my strength but finally I am able to squeeze his hand very gently. My actions make him wake up and his smile is priceless.
"You're awake!" He nearly shouts. I smile weakly before closing my eyes again. "Sarah?" Is all I hear before I drift back out.
I wake up again and look at Cameron. His eyes are bloodshot and his hairs all tousled. "Sarah baby, are you okay?" He asks. I smile again weakly and try to nod.
I'm barely able to move my head up and down but I manage. "Oh baby I thought I lost you!" He says kissing my hand repeatedly.
Suddenly the doctor comes in and checks all my machines. "She's looking good, glad she's awake." She says smiling at Cameron.
Cameron smiles weakly back at her. As she leaves the room she wiggles her hips back and forth making me growl. I just imagine myself getting up and pouncing on her like a cat does to a mouse.
Anyway, Cameron looks at me and snuggles my hand for a while. "Cameron when's the last time you've slept?"
"Oh I haven't slept for days baby." He replies. My voice is raspy and hoarse as is his. "How long have I been out?" I ask. He pulls up his phone and checks the date I assume.
"About a month." A month?! How could it have ever been that long? It's only felt like a few hours. "What's the date?" I ask.
"It's November 3rd." He says. "Jesus Cameron." I take a breath before continuing. "Climb up here and sleep with me." I say trying to squeeze his hand again.
He doesn't hesitate to take off his shoes and climb into the hospital bed with me. He's careful of my IV's though.
I snuggle right up to him and close my eyes for the second time. "Hey baby?" He asks. "Hm?" I hum quietly. "I love you." He whispers before kissing my cheek.
I awake again and see the same nurse walk in. "Excuse me miss, but he can't be up there with you." She heads towards Cameron.
"No, please. Don't wake him. He hasn't slept in days and he just looks so peaceful." I say in one breath. She looks from me to him then back to me.
"Alright." She says flipping through her clipboard. She smiles at me and says, "You should be good to go in a week."
"Thanks." I say as she exits.
*** November 20th ***
Cameron took me on another actual date. It was nice. We flew in a plane! It was really exciting!
"What are we doing here?" I asked holding his hand. "Ah, Mr. Dallas!" The older man says coming out of the big pole barn. "Bryan." He says shaking hands with him. "And who's this?" The older man asks. "This is my girlfriend Sarah. Sarah this is Bryan." I smile politely at the man with white hair as we shake hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I say and he nods. "Well are you all ready?" He asks. I watch Cameron as he nods. Bryan walks around to the back of the pole barn and we follow. There sits an empty field with two planes it in. One of the planes sits behind the other connected by a strong cable chord. "Have you ever brought any of your other subs here?" I whisper to Cameron. He smiles and shakes his head while saying, "No." I smile at the thought of being his first sub here. Cameron leads me over to the second plane and he opens the door to get in. "Get in the front." He says. I do as I'm told and hop into the front seat. Cameron straps me in before returning to the back and as for the old man he gets in the first plane. "I'm nervous." I say holding on to the straps. Cameron puts my headset on me and kisses my cheek. "Relax, I'm the one flying the plane." I sit and wait as Cameron straps himself in and talks with Bryan. Soon enough Bryan starts his plane and starts taking off. Beings how the two planes are connected we go with him. I can't help but smile and hold on. As soon as we're in the air Cameron says, "Release." As soon as he says that the cable that once connected the planes had dropped off of ours. I smile as Cameron makes us do a barrel role in the air. I giggle as I watch my hair float up because of gravity. "Is this more?" He asks me once we're back to flying normally. "So much more!" I giggle with excitement, and with that he makes us flip upside down again.
Flashback Ends
Our date was early in the morning. It's about 7 now. So far I've chased dusk as dawn with the man I love. I love how he's trying so hard to do the hearts and flowers type, it makes me happy.
Currently I'm sitting in his car blindfolded, waiting anxiously. He said he had a surprise for me. I feel the car come to a stop and listen as Cameron gets out.
He opens the door for me and carefully helps me out. "Can I look now?" I ask again. "Almost." He chuckles leading me somewhere.
We finally stop and he takes off the blindfold. There in front of me stands a beautiful mansion. A mansion in the middle of no where.
I smile at the sight. "What are we doing here?" I ask. He smiles and takes my hand interlacing our fingers. "I'm thinking about moving." He says walking us closer to the glorious home.
I follow him into the house where we are greeted by a woman a little older than me. "Welcome!" She smiles. "Would you like a tour?" She asks.
I nod and snuggle into Cameron. "Alrighty then!" She squeals and walks into a room. "This is the dining room." The woman says.
The house is huge and it's perfect. It has multiple rooms, including a ball room. Cameron and I ended up on the upstairs balcony watching the sunset.
"Of course I was going to have my brother change a few things to make it safer."
"Cameron I don't want anyone to change the house. I like it the way it is. It got potential."
He smiles and kisses my hand. "One question though, where does the playroom go?" I ask.
His smile turns to a dirty smirk. "In the basement." He replies. I stare out into the sunset as Cameron let's go of my hand.
"Eh em." He clear his throat. I turn and look down to see Cameron down on one knee. My eyes widen and my hand flies to my mouth.
"Sarah, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. So I was wondering, will you do the honor of marrying me?"

50 Shades of Dallas (Cameron Dallas)
FanfictionThis book is literally 50 Shades of Grey with a few things changed. A girl named Sarah is abused by her mother. All up until her mother sells her to a family who needed a bit of help at the time. Read on to go along with Sarah on her crazy adventure...