Chapter Sixteen (Coming Down...)

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Susanna's POV

My little Lyric, the closet thing I have to a daughter (at least right now) is so bouncy and happy it brings tears to my eyes. It seems just like yesterday that we first met her at Max & Madison's wedding. And here it is, it's been nearly a year. Lyric and her best friend, Khloe, are in the living room of the future Stamper home. I had to come over to get some things in order, so they came with me to do their prom planning.

Khloe has her iphone out as I pass through the room and she squeals out, "This is fantabulous! Lyric you would look gorgeous in this dress. Then James can match you. This one is SOOO me, and my Keviny-bear can match me." The chatterbox who likes to invent her own words, is going a mile a minute, her eyes practically sparkling.

I just laugh, happy to see these two best friends so happy, they've been through a lot together, and I'm thankful to have been there along part of the way.

I'm in the midst of a daydream about having my own daughter someday when my phone dings with a text message. I see it's from my former roommate, Madison, and smile. I love that girl to pieces, she was my first friend here in Nashville. True, I met Joey first, but I didn't let him into my heart for a little while.

The text reads,
" I need you sis. At the house. Please."

Worry courses through my veins. Something isn't right. I can feel it, and her message is vague, but it's not like Madison. I sling my purse over my shoulder. "Girls. I trust you two to behave yourself. If you leave the house, lock up. I'll be at Madison and Max's place."

"Sounds cool-rific." Khloe nods still eyeing the dresses on her phone screen.

"We'll stay." Lyric says with now serious eyes, nods. The two of us are incredibly in tune, and she can tell that something is amiss. "Call me." She mouths. I nod. I don't know what's up, but I can't let my mind get out of control wondering about it.

God helps me to clear my mind of any circling thoughts, and I manage to get to the Holden household in a timely manner. I knock on the door, but there is no answer. The door is locked, so I fish around in my purse for my spare key she gave me, partly because of our friendship, and partly because of the fact that Lyric uses their dance studio pretty often.

"Madi!" I call out into the dark house. "I'm here." I'm not answered with words, but I can just barely make out the sobbing of someone in the upstairs apartment. I race up the stairs to find Madison laying face down in the couch, her shoulders shaking violently. "Madison? Hon? What's wrong?"

"The baby..." At her whispered words, my heart sinks. It's been nearly a year since Madison and Max had exchanged their vows. A few months back they had discovered to the joy of both, and all of their family and friends, of course, that they were expecting a baby.

I can barely find the words. "What...what happened?" I set down in the floor beside of the couch and rub her back in circular motions. Hoping to give her at least a small little bit of comfort.

Finally, several minutes later she finds her voice and whispers, "I went to the doctor this morning, for a baby check up. The doctor seemed worried. Then they ran a few more tests, and...." Sobs wrack Madison's small frame once more. "I had a miscarriage."

My worst fears were a reality now. I had no words, so I just hugged my friend tightly. Praying that God would help her and Max. Max! "Does Max know?"

Madison sniffles, "No. He had a photo shoot today with a new client, so my Uncle drove me." Uncle Jake. A friend, and uncle to all. "Uncle Jake, he knew it was bothering me, but I wouldn't let myself cry until he left and I was alone here. So then I texted you, once I got upstairs."

"I'm sorry, Madi." I stared at my hands. "There are just no words I can say.." Usually I'm not too bad with words, that isn't the case as of right now. I can't imagine the pain.

"I just don't see how anyone could murder a baby." Madison says, sending the conversation into a new direction. "So many people out there have lost babies, then others carelessly make the act of producing a child only to cut off that child's chance at life." Madison wipes her eyes. "I'm not giving up, Sus. I think God has given me a message and a testimony out of this valley of pain." My sweet friend's eyes, flash with a light of determination.

I still feel shell shocked and am at a loss. I know God is in control. And that Baby Holden is now up in Heaven when Jesus, that makes me smile, but the road ahead may not be the easiest. With God and friends around, maybe it will at least be possible.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone, I know this was a bit of a sad chapter, but God put it on my heart last night and this morning to write it. I had no idea why, it just felt so out of the blue, but I listened to him. I think I realized why just now.
Katrinaparkwood 's sister in law just lost her unborn baby. Please pray for all of this family in their rough time of loss.

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