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It wasn't uncommon for people to stare, she was beautiful. Confidence and joy seemed to seep out from her minuscule pores. She was the person everyone loved, no one could hate her- she was too nice for that.

"Good-morning Chris, how was your summer?" Mr. Brown nodded at her.

"Fantastic, and you?" Chris smiled.

"Good, thank you." Mr. Brown exchanged a friendly nod and walked in the direction of the math rooms. Even teachers adored her, not only because she was a stellar student.

"Chris!" A girl shouted. "How've you been!" She squealed and ran up to hug her friend.

"Lauren, hey I've missed you! How was Vermont," she hugged her friend.

"The usual, I missed you guys!" She put her books in her bag and walked with her friend to her locker. "What class do you have first?"

"Physics," Chris sighed. It may have been her final year in high school, but that didn't stop her from pulling the AP classes.

"Oh, Carrie and Lea are in that class... And I heard Luke was as well," Lauren giggled nudging her friend. "Which reminds me, how are things between you two?"

"We hung out a bit this summer, he's really sweet," Chris smiled.

"Oh my god you guys are totally crushing!" Lauren slapped her lightly on the arm. Chris rolled her eyes and picked up her bag. "I gotta go, I have French now, au revoir!" She laughed in a very poor french accent. Chris made her way to the second floor, trying to look at the bright side. A few of her friends and boyfriend were in that class, it couldn't be that bad.

"Hey Chris!" A low voice greeted her. Two large hands spun her around. Luke smiled brightly at her and kissed her gently.

"Hey," she smiled back holding his hand. "How've you been?"

"I missed you, but good, thanks," he answered and led her to the classroom. He held the door as she walked in, a side grin forming.

"Hello Chris, Luke," mrs. Mitchell nodded at the couple. The desks were aligned in groups of four. Lea and Carrie sitting in the back corner, waving her over. Luke kissed her cheeks and walked to sit beside his own friends. They greeted him with a loud howl or growl. Boys. (//smh)

"Chris!! Oh my god, you look great!" Lea squealed. "But when don't you." Chris laughed and thanked her friend, sitting beside them.

"Well we're back in this hell-hole," Carrie moaned, giggling slightly. "But senior year bitches! Let's do this!" Chris smiled and took out her notebook. If she had any experience with AP classes was that it didn't stop. Right from the first class they'd start working.

The class filled up just as the bell rang, and Mrs. Mitchell underlined her name on the board.

"Quiet down please! Most of you know me, I am Mrs. Mitchell, you should be ready for AP physics, if you are not, well please be for tomorrow. I hope you had a nice summer." She glanced up from her roster, placing the names to faces. "This will be a very challenging course, do not expect an single easy assignment. If that doesn't work for you, there's the door."

The entire room sat in silence, regretting all their life decisions. They all knew even though it was senior year, they wouldn't have a fun and easy time.

"Your textbooks are at the front of the room, take one and sign your name in it. And then begin readings chapter two taking noted if you want," mrs. Mitchell said placing her hands on a stack of textbooks. The class filled up to get them. Chris waited behind one of Luke's friends, Calum, already tired. Luke came up behind her and laid his arms over her shoulders, resting them there.

"Hey cutie," he whispered in her ear. His lips tickled her skin, and sent slight chills down her back. He walked like a penguin behind her, a whole foot taller than her. "What class do you have next?" He reached over her and grabbed two textbooks, passing one to her.

"Choir," Chris said, squirming out of his grip. She laughed as faked looking annoyed.

"You in the top choir?" He asked, Walking her back to her seat.

"Yeah," she smiled, she knew Luke could sing but he refused to do school choir.

"Mr. Hemmings, please take a seat," Mrs. Mitchell ordered. Luke winked at Chris before sitting down quietly.

"You guys are honestly so cute," Carrie laughed then returned to reading the chapter. Chris did the same and scribbled messy notes in her notebook, attempting to remember her penmanship skills. The bell rung just as Chris was finishing up the chapter.

"Oh Chris!" Lea called up behind her, "there's a party Friday night, at Calum's house." Of course Chris had heard about it, and was invited, she just wasn't sure she wanted to go. It was the start of the cross country season, and she wasn't sure she'd be up for a party after practice. She was voted to be one of the captains, as well as her spot on the varsity team being pretty secure. The previous year she'd usually been second or third at most races, her teammate, Kelly, finishing most of the time first. Kelly and Chris had been the dynamic duo, with Kelly finishing around ten seconds before Chris. Running was Kelly's way into college, which Chris assumed would be the same for her.

The way to Choir was very much the same as every other class, waving to every other person, and the kind smile to those she wasn't really friends with. She had always been pretty popular, but over the course of the last few years, she'd really become the most known person in school. Never because of something bad, or because she was mean- quite the opposite.

"Sorry.." someone mumbled, bumping into her gently. She nodded it off, picking up her phone, hoping it wasn't cracked. She caught a glimpse of the guy who'd just bumped into her, his bright red hair running off into the distance. Shrugging, she walked into the choir room, happy to see some of her good friends waving her over.

"Chris! It's so good to see you," Claire gushed. Chris smiled and said likewise. "You excited for cross country to officially have started?"

"Yeah," even though she'd been running the whole time since track, last spring. The whole time the teacher, Mrs. Coates, talked about the music they'd be performing throughout the year, Chris thought about Luke, excited to see him during their free next period. That was the great thing about senior, having at least two frees per day. At least that balanced out the AP and honors classes she'd take, relieving her of some stress.

"How are things with you and Luke," Claire whispered to her. Chris shot her a look, unable to hid her smile.

"They couldn't be better."

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