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The school buzzed with excitement for the party that night, it was all people could talk about. Sure it was the first party of the year, the first time everyone would see each other, besides in school. After their short practice, Abby took Chris home, asking what she should wear.

"I'll pick you up at around 8:30 ok? I think I'll also be driving Lea and Carrie," Abby told her, poking her head out the window. Chris nodded waving goodbye. She ran into the house, her legs tired from running hills that day. She'd picked out her outfit that morning, a white crop top and festival shorts. She didn't really believe in that whole tight skimpy dress thing for parties, plus, she didn't feel the need to dress like a slut to get noticed. It was Chris, everyone would notice her no matter what she wore, so she basically just didn't have to try.

"Chris!' she heard her mom call from downstairs. "I have a quick question, can you come down here for a second?' Chris ran down the stairs, answering her mom. "Were you home around lunch time today?"

Chris gulped, unsure what to answer. She'd always been honest with her mom, except the fact that she was now in a relationship that seemed pretty serious. "Yeah, I was."

"Oh did you go with friends to eat lunch?" Her mom knew she'd never cut class, she was too serious about school to do that.

"Yeah, I had a double lunch." She fiddled with her thumb, debating whether to tell her mom the full story or not. She knew she'd flip out about Luke, but if she told her now, rather than her finding out from someone else, maybe she'd be less mad. "it was only just one friend."

"Oh, who?" her mom questioned, hanging her blazer on the back of a chair.


"Just you two?" her tone a little sharp.




"Is there anything I should be worried about? Are you two in a relationship?" she asked, taking a deep breath and letting it out sharply.

"No, he's a perfectly kind gentleman, and yes, we are dating," Chris said, biting at the loose skin on her thumb.

"Well I'd like to meet this young man. You know my policy on dating, especially now, right before college, you should know better." Chris nodded, slowly walking up the steps. "Invite him for dinner tomorrow."

"He has a soccer game," Chris stated flatly.

"Not all day I assume? Bring him after." Her mother turned her back on her daughter, signaling the end of their conversation. Chris ran up to her room, glad that was the end of that. She jumped into the shower, letting the hot water burn her skin. Her mom pissed her off so much, putting so much pressure on her, thinking her grades would drop because she was in a relationship. What was even worse, her mom knew Luke. Their parents were extremely close and they'd been friends for ages.

When she stepped out of the shower, she aggressively brushed her hair. Her phone was buzzing like crazy in the other room, the new group chat was formed. Over the summer, with most of her friends away, that group chat hadn't been used too much, but now, damn. It included Luke, Calum, Lea, Carrie, Abby, Jack, Louis, and Stella. Those were the people Chris considered her closest friends, but of course she had a bunch of others (a/n ok ew she sounds annoying rn but yeah)

'yo chris'

'chris answer your phone'


Chris laughed slightly at her friends persistence, finally answering with a simple yo. Turns out Calum would pick her up early so Chris could help set up, and because Abby wasn't allowed to drive to the party.

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