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"Chris you have to go!" Abby winned, walking with her to english. "It's the first party of the year. Everyone worth noting will be there, come on."

"I guess, at least it's on a friday this year." Both her sophomore and junior year, the party had been held on a thursday, for reasons unknown to her. Chris never drank, which was good now that she could drive, she was the designated driver. Her fitness was too important to her, and half a beer sent her over the top.

"Yes! So after practice tomorrow I'll drive you home and we can get ready together for the party," she squealed in excitement.

"Sounds good," Chris responded, taking a seat in the back of the classroom. Abby waved and walked to her own class. She checked her phone, scrolling through her messages, not paying attention to what they said. Most of them were still about the party. The class slowly filled up, and the empty desk in front of hers was taken. It was the guy with the bright red dyed hair. He shrugged off his flannel, leaving him wearing only a black muscle tee. His skin was pale, contrasting his dark shirt. Chris breathed out deeply, feeling slightly grossed out as a faint smell of pot came off of him. It seemed a little early for that.

"Ay, Michael!" a guy nodded in his direction, Harry. Michael nodded back, taking out a pencil. How where those two in this class? How were they smart enough to be in an AP class. Chris shrugged and did the same, taking out her notebook and pencil.

"Chris," Harry winked at her. She smiled kindly then turned to look at Emma sitting beside her. Emma giggled slightly, knowing it was pretty usual for Harry to flirt with other girls. Harry sat at the empty desk next to Chris, the whole time looking at her.

"How was your summer?' he asked her, filling out his cheek with his tongue. His lip and eyebrow were pierced, something he'd done over the summer. 

"Good thanks, yours?' she asked politely.

"Always so caring, aren't you," he laughed and ignored her question. Finally, Mr. Barron rushed in, papers flying behind him. He shut the door, and sat heavily on his desk. He sounded as if he'd just run a mile sprint.

"Kids, sorry I'm late, didn't realize you guys had class today, still not back in the regular schedule. Granted it's only been a day," he said to himself. His took a look at every student, analyzing the kind of class he had. He stopped briefly when he saw Chris, smiled, then continued his investigation. She had that kind of spell on people, everyone was mesmerized by her personality, teachers adored her.

"The first book we are going to read is the Sound and the Fury by Faulkner, a very challenging read, but epic nonetheless. Please go pick that up soon, we'll begin analyzing on Monday," Mr. Barron said, glancing up at the students. His eyes stopped on Michael, slight surprise passing over his face. Chris wasn't the only one taken aback by having a pot head in an AP class. But still, she refused to judge a book by his cover, and didn't think to much about it.

When the bell finally rang, Chris got up to leave with Emma, only to be stopped by someone calling her name. "Chris, hope to see you tomorrow night," Harry winked and licked his lips. Chris rolled her eyes and laughed along with Emma. Harry was out of the classroom before she could say anything.

"So you're going then, yes!' Emma smiled and waved good-bye, running to her next class. Chris walked to her next class, glancing back at Michael, who sluggishly walked out of the room. His bright hair made him hard to miss, and his flannel made him stand out from everyone in the school. Most boys either wore sports shirts or preppy Vineyard Vines clothing, and sometimes, a mix of both. Michael was different, more so than the rest of his crew.

"Hey Chris!" she spun around and saw a group of some of her friends walking by. She smiled and waved at them, being taken into the swarm of people. "Are you excited for the party?" a few people asked her. She nodded, feeling more excited as more people asked her. Truth be told, she wasn't the biggest fan of being surrounded by drunk and horny teens, but she wanted to make her friends happy.

"Hey beautiful," Luke said, running up behind her and grabbing her hips. He smiled when she turned around, his big blue eyes filling with joy. He walked with her to Physics, chattering about the party and the soccer game he had the next day. "Calum's going all out, he's the manager of Ben and Jerry's now, so he's making a shitload of money."

"Oh god..." Chris shook her head, sitting beside Lea. Luke crouched beside her and told her how much booze Calum had bought.

"It's gonna be epic, wanna get lunch for our free? We have a double lunch," Luke asked her, walking backwards to his table. Chris nodded, smiling and joining the conversation with Lea and Carrie. They too were talking about the party and the soccer game they had the day after. Being that they were on the varsity team, games started pretty early in the season.

"Don't worry ladies, you'll play great," Chris beamed at them, taking out her textbook and notebook. Mrs. Mitchell waltzed in, her glasses lazily hanging from her neck. She raised an eyebrow at her classed, surprised that no one followed her untold instructions of taking out their work. A smile crept on her face when she saw Chris prepared, but as soon as it appeared it disappeared, returning to her strict appearance.

Physics went by just like any other class, long and tiring. It was only two days in to the school year, and Chris already had a shit load of work to do, but nothing too difficult yet.

When the bell rang, and Mrs. Mitchell finished her lesson, Lea moaned, pushing her hair back.

"I don't understand, I'm gonna fucking fail and it's only been two days," she cried, throwing her books in her bag. Chris shook her head, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's still the beginning. I'll help you out," Chris told her, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Luke came up behind her asking if she was ready to go. He pulled out the keys to his car, and waved goodbye to Lea and Carrie. "Don't worry Lea, bye guys, see you later for Calculus." \

"Your senior year is gonna suck," Luke laughed at her once they were away from the big crowd. She lightly slapped his shoulder, giggling.

"I'm trying to stay positive, and no it's not."

"You're literally taking all either AP or Honors classes, and you're in Calculus II, if that doesn't add up to hell, I don't know what does," he chuckled, and slumped against the locker next to Chris's.

"Yeah, but I have you to help me out in Physics, and I have a bunch of frees everyday, I'll survive," she said and threw her bag at the bottom of her locker and pulled out her wallet.

"I know you will," he responded and kissed her quickly. He pulled her under his arm and lead her to his car.

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