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Luke parked sloppily in front of the Subway store, barely in between the white parking lines. He pulled out his black wallet from his back pocket and made sure he had enough for lunch. Nodding approvingly, he jumped out of the car, and practically skipped into the store. 

"You're such a dork," Chris laughed, speeding up to catch up to him. She shook her head , letting her auburn fall out of its bun, and pushed up her sunglasses. 

"Yeah, but you know you love it," he smiled at her, winking. He opened the door for her, gesturing for her to pass. She giggled at his courtesy, and sauntered inside. Hanging out with Luke always made her happy, he was her big ball of happiness. As she ordered, he held her tightly against him. 

"Where do you wanna go and eat this?" Luke questioned, pulling out of the lot. 

"We still have, like, two hours till our next class, which for me is gym... And no one is home," she smiled evilly. Luke bit his bottom lip, trying not to crack out a grin, knowing exactly what she meant. 

Luke coughed, nodding slightly, "Ehm yeah that sounds good." He pulled at his lip ring, his eyes creasing at the corners in joy. They'd only been officially dating for three months, leaving little time for them to do too too much. "So no one will be home?"

"Nope, both my parents are at work," she told him, grabbing his large hand. He squeezed her fingers lightly, and sped off in the direction to her house. He turned sharply onto her street and stopped abruptly in front of her house. She giggled and ran off to unlock the door. Luke followed her, his long strides catching up to her in no time. Chris patted the couch, inviting Luek to sit beside her. He fell down in a heap and took a big bite out of his footlong sandwich. 

"So, what are you wearing tomorrow night?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He scanned her body, looking at her washed out high waisted shorts and the loose, white mesh shirt she wore. 

"You'll see, nothing you won't like," she told him flirtatiously. She pulled up her knees to her chest and leaned slightly against him. 

"You don't have to dress like a slut, you know that right?" he said softly, running his hand through her hair. 

"Yeah, I wasn't planning on doing that," she said, and kissed the ranch stained side of his lip. He placed his sandwhich on the glass coffee table, not pulling away from her lips.  She bit down softly on the metal ring on his lower lip, and tugged gently.  Wrapping her legs around him, Luke pulled her closer falling back on the couch. He laughed, letting her hands make their way around his toned body. Slowly, she unbuttoned his black  shirt, her fingers trailing down his chest. A slight moan escaped his lips as she slipped her fingers underneath the waistband of his tight skinny jeans. 

"Babe," he groaned, gripping her hips tighter. "I don't want to go back to school after this." Chris laughed, running her lips against his neck. 

'Neither do I," she breathed against his skin. Luke flipped her over, nearly making them both fall off the couch in the process. He breathed heavily on her skin, sending chills down her back. His lips crashed (a/n *cringes*) against hers. He fiddled with the clasp on her bra, just as the keys jiggled in the hole of the back door. 

"Shit," chris cried, pushing Luke off her. She stood up, grabbed his Subway sandwich and pulled him back to his car. Just as they closed the front door, she could hear her mother's heels clicking on the kitchen tiles. "That could've been bad."

"It's not like we were ditching school," Luke said, stepping on the gas and speeding away from her home. 

"I know.. she just doesn't really know I'm dating anyone and I don't think she likes the idea. And if my dad found out, oh god I don't even want to think what would happen," Chris sighed and ran her hand through her hair. The slight beach waves were a bit messier after what had just happened.

"You haven't told them yet? And they haven't found out?" Luke asked, slightly impressed. She shook her head no and took out her phone to check the time. "That's pretty impressive." Luke chuckled and slid to a stop in his most-of-the-time-regular parking spot. 

"Well thanks for lunch," Chris winked and kissed him. Luke opened his mouth slightly, deepening the kiss. 

"We should do it again soon," he said and pulled away. Chris laughed and bumped into him. "See you after practice?" 

"Oh actually, a few of the seniors are taking some of the froshies out for fro-yo," Chris told him, pushing the heavy school door open. 

"Well, I guess I'll just have to swing by later, and finish what I started," he winked and went in the opposite direction. Chris shook her head, making her way to her locker. 

"Hey sweet-cheeks," Harry whispered, coming up behind her at her locker. Chris gave him a friendly smile, but ignored the rest of his approaches. "You like it dirty don't you?' He looked right at her as she packed her bag for her last class of the day, besides gym. 

"Sorry, I'm not really in the mood," she tried to say as kindly as possible. She ducked under his arm and walked to gym. Harry followed. Having had to cut lunch short with Luke, they had arrived back at the school five minutes before the end of this class, leaving her alone in the hallway with Harry. 

"The third floor girls bathroom is never used, if you want" Harry continued. He smelled heavily of mint gum and cologne. 

"I'm sorry, but can you please just leave me alone? I have a boyfriend," Chris told him gently. She pushed him away.

"Not for long," he moaned and leaned in to kiss her. 

"Hey back off jackass!" she heard Luke shout and threw Harry to the ground. Harry stumbled back up, fixing his hair. Before any of them could react, Luke balled his hand into a fist and sucker punched Harry square in the nose. Twice. 

"Shit bro, calm yourself," Harry moaned clutching his now bloody nose. 

"Go fuck yourself," Luke spat and wrapped Chris in his arms, pulling her away. 

"Already did!" Harry shouted after him, letting the two walk away. Chris let Luke lead her like that to gym class, surprised that no one even bothered to stare at them once they were let out of class. 

When they had finally reached the girl's locker rooms, Luke pulled away and kissed her forehead. "You ok?"

"Yeah, thanks for that, I tried to push him away," Chris mumbled, biting her lip. Luke nodded and gave her one last hug, before himself walking to class.  

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