Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


“I think he’s awakening.” A harsh voice said, and Drake opened his eyes. A vampire leaned over him, and with a hiss Drake sat up, the vampire moving quickly to get out of his way. Drake looked around in confusion. “Where is Nikki?” Drake asked, his voice hoarse. The vampire regarded him with cold eyes, and an elf and fairy joined him in looking Drake over.

 The elf cast a contemptuous glance over him before resuming oiling her deadly looking sword.

“Where is Nikki?!” Drake growled, “Here, Drake.” A small voice replied. Drake spun around and leaped off the bed towards her. Nikki sat on another bed just behind his in the fire lit cavern he found himself in. “Nikki!” He said, running to her. Nikki smiled and returned his fierce hug. “Are you ok? Your leg!” Drake said, suddenly remembering. Nikki grinned and showed him her leg, bare skin only remained where the cut had been. “Someone has healed it.” She said. He hugged her again, holding her body tightly against his. “Drake… your squishing me!” Nikki protested, and he released her sheepishly. “Sorry, just a bit worried. You know watching you get cut open will do that.” He said, grinning.

“Ick.” The elf said behind him. “Yup, I think these are the two we are looking for.”

The vampire said, a smirk on his lips. Drake turned on them. “You! You were the one who dropped me!” Drake hissed, a finger pointed accusingly at the vampire.

The vampire shrugged, his black eyes unconcerned. “Pretty easy, if you ask me.” He said, leaning against the wall, uncaring. Nikki gasped in anger. “Hey, you watch it mister! The only reason you got close to Drake was because he was holding me! Not because of any supposed skill you have.” Nikki spat, and the vampire suddenly strode toward her, eyes blazing. Drake moved between them, snarling a warning. The vampire stopped inches from Drake.

The elf pushed them apart impatiently, and her gaze silenced both of them. “Quit it, you two. Vlad, I don’t need this, so you better seriously think about what you want to do, cause I swear, if you even touch one hair on our salvation’s head, I will skin you with a Pyruby dagger.” Vlad glared at him once more, and retreated.

Drake refused to back down, and the elf ran a hand through her silver hair and sighed. He hadn’t liked the way she had called him their salvation. That’s when he got a good look at her. Her shiny hair rippled down to below her waist and was pulled back into a ponytail. She had purple eyes, eyes that contained in him a determination Drake had never witnessed before. Her deer skinned clothes were a snug fit, but the cloth looked flexible, and her sword was strapped to her hip. The elf’s hand also rested on her hip in a posture that made it clear she was in charge here.

“Look, Drake is it? I know we have a lot of explaining to do, but please, what Vlad did was necessary and not worthy of murdering the guy. I’ll explain everything, just sit down and try to cool off that head of yours.” She said, and Drake unwillingly obliged. “There, not so bad, huh. Well, I’ll start with the introductions. Since we know your names its only fair. I’m Sliver. And this as you probably already know, is Vlad.” Sliver said, pointing to the vampire.

Drake glared at Vlad, noting the handsome black hair he cut short and the black eyes full of spite. Nikki sat beside Drake listening intently, her blue eyes serious. “Our fairy leader is Selena, and she commands our fairy ranks.” Sliver continued, “And last but not least we have our troll leader, Gorlg. He’s not here right now but you will meet him presently.” Sliver said, and Drake started in surprise.

 A troll, here, working with an elf, fairy, and vampire? Who knew! Then again, a vampire and fairy in love was even more astonishing.

The fairy, Selena, was a dainty creature with shimmering wings of blue. Her light blonde hair was streaked with highlights in blue to match her wings, which she used to hover several inches off the floor. She had fuchsia eyes, and as his calculating gaze met hers she quickly looked away shyly. He returned his attention to Sliver, who was staring into the fire.

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