Prolugue: 1915: Part 2

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Jacob and Layla hopped out of bed as they heard their mom saying the three most wonderful and best words in the world. "Breakfast is ready!" That and any other sentence that have to do with food!
"What's for breakfast today?" Layla asked as she sat down in her chair. Stacie(Their Mom) lifted up the frying pan. "Today's pancakes!" She set the pancakes on a two separate plates. Then handed the plates over to Jacob and Layla. "Pancakes?" Jacob said, "Haven't had these in a while!" Layla looked around. "Where's dad?" She asked. "He left for work early" Stacie said. Jacob then took a chomp out of his pancakes. "What about grandpa and grandma?" he asked, "I wanna eat breakfast with them." "They're still sleeping in the guest room" Stacie said while putting the pans away, "You're gonna have to eat without them."
"Now if you'll excuse" Stacie then walked over to the bathroom, "I gotta go get ready for work." "Wait" Layla said, "If you're going to work, who will watch us today?"
"Well" Stacie said, "If you need anything, just call grandpa and grandma". Then she headed off into the bathroom.

Later, the siblings have finished their breakfast and Stacie had gone to work. Jacob and Layla were in bed watching tv. "I'm bored" Jacob said while flipping through the tv channels with the remote, "Do you think grandpa and grandma is up yet?" "I don't know" Layla said, "Let's go find out!". The two then headed over to the guest room. They opened the door. Then peeked their head inside. Grandpa and grandma were in bed, watching tv. "Oh hi kids" they said as Jacob and Layla walked in. "Hey grandpa" Jacob said as he sat down on the comfy bed mattress,"I'm bored. Can you tell us another story to cure my boredom?" Layla sat down on the bed next to him. "Yeah" she said,"Tell us another story!"
Grandpa made a worried look. "Nah" he said, "I'm not really in the mood for story telling". He sat up from the bed and looked at Jacob and Layla's bewildered faces. "What?" Layla asked, "No story telling? This isn't the grandpa we know?" Their grandma then sat up. "Listen kids" she sighed,"You're grandpa isn't felling stories right now." She then raised a finger. "Hey"she said," How about we go outside and play in the snow? Doesn't that sound way more fun then telling stories?" Jacob and Layla nodded. "Yeah sure ok" they said.

Moments later the four of them had gone outside. They found extra winter clothing in the closet. Soon they headed out on the front lawn. Which was filled with snow around every corner. The color white spread across the lawn in a brilliant manor. The lawn wasn't big but it was surely big enough for them to play in. Layla ran around in the snow as Jacob darted across it. The two slit and slide, pretending they where at an ice rink, performing for the crowd. Layla then hopped down on a big pile of snow. "Hey look" she said,"I'm making a Layla-Angel!" She moved her arms and legs up and down. The angel looked pretty nice. "Cool" Jacob said as he dug his hands into the cold white snow, "I'm gonna make a Snowman!" He spun his head around. "Grandpa wanna help me?"
Silence for a moment. "That's strange" Layla sat up from her snow angle, "Where is grandpa and grandma?" Jacob looked around. "I don't know" he said, "Maybe they're still in the house."
Soon the two then headed back into their home. They walked across the house. Searching for their grandparents. "Stop" Layla said, "We're tracking snow all around the place!" "Ugh" Jacob groaned, "We'll deal with it later. Right now we gotta find grandpa and grandma." The two looked around.

Silence for a moment...
Then an eerie moan was heard!
Ooooohhh! The voice spread across the room.

"What was that?" Layla asked.

Ooooohhh! The moan strikes again.

Jacob spun around. "I think it's coming from over there!" He pointed a finger towards a long hallway. Layla turned around, "The hallway to the basement?" she asked as she fallowed. Jacob.


Finally the siblings have reached the end of the hall. They stood next to a large door.


Layla covered her ears. "I can't take it anymore." She said,"Let's go down to the basement to find where that noise is coming from!" Jacob shot up a finger. "And maybe grandpa and grandma is there to!" He said. He then faced the basement door. Reached for the knob. Twisted it. Then opened it.
"Grandpa?" The two then walked down the stairs,"Are you here? Grandma? You here too?" Layla leaned against the wall. "Ugh" She said, "Where's the light switch?!" She started feeling the walls. Until she hit something. "Found it!" she said, flicking the switch on. Moments later, the entire basement lit up! Tommy looked around. Finally he spotted his grandparents. In the corner. Talking to each other.

"It's too dangerous!" Grandpa said. Grandma put her hand on his shoulder. "But we have to tell them eventually! It's now or-

"Hey guys!" Jacob interrupted. His grandparents spun around. "Jacob!"they said, "What are you doing here?"
"Uh what are you doing here?!"
Layla walked up next to him. "Yeah" she said,"You we're suppose to be outside with us!"   Their grandparents walked up a little closer. "Sorry kids"grandma said,"But something came up and we can't play with you". She stared at Jacob's and Layla's surprised "O" faces. "What?!"Jacob manage to scream out,"B-but why?!" His grandpa came closer to him. "I'm sorry" he said,"But something's bothering me. Something that I've done."
Jacob and Layla looked confuse. "What did you do?"Layla questioned. Grandpa  made a worried look. "I-I-I"he stammered trying to find the right words. Grandma came up to him. She put a hand on his shoulder. "The time is now"she said,"Tell them."
Grandpa then faced his two grandchildren. "Ok" he said, "When I first arrived here yesterday, I told you a specific story"
"Oh you mean The Story Of The Skeleton Ghost Gho-"
"No,no,no!" Grandpa raised a finger,"Never say that story out-loud...ever again." He sighed.
"The more you tell the story, the more chances something bad will happen!  Even saying the title will make it happen!" He made a worried look.
"I should've never told you that story!" Grandma walked up to her grandkids. "This might seem kinda weird and hard to believe"she said, "But what happened in the story...will happen to us."
"But that's impossible!"Jacob said,"That's story's fake remember?!" Grandpa came up a little closer. "I'm afraid you're wrong Jacob" he said, "That story I told's real!"

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