Prolugue:1915:Part 3

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Jacob and Layla couldn't help but burst out laughing! "Hahahahaha" they yelled out, "Sure and The Princess And The Frog story is true too!". Their grandpa stared at them. "It's not funny!" He yelled, "Listen this is serious!". Layla stepped up to him. "Grandpa" she said,"You really lost it! Now let's go outside!" She motioned her hand to the steps. Just as she was about to walk away, grandpa shot out a hand to stopped her. "No!" He said, "You can't leave! Let me explain!"
"Fine" Layla said,"Explain!"

Grandpa sighed. "It was one year ago. Your parents made plans for us to come visit a year later which was yesterday. When I heard the news I knew I needed to tell a story. Not just any story. A story that will change everything. While trying to figure out what story to tell, I then discover something on the internet. I heard about something. A local story/legend. Thinking it be a nice story to tell, I've decided to use it. Every day I told the story to my self, so I wouldn't forget it."
"Wait" Layla interrupted, "Why didn't you right it down on a piece of paper. Like Grandma's cookies. It be way much easier than just saying it over and over and ov-"
"Ugh!" Grandpa said, "It isn't important. Now where was I? Oh yes! Now I remember."
"It was months later after when I found the story. It seemed pretty interesting. So I decided to do some research on it. And that's when the trouble happened!    I discovered that if you tell the story more then one time, it will happen to you. Thinking its nothing, I decided to continue telling it to myself. Until one day...I started seeing things. Paranormal things! I saw drawers moving on their own. The tv turned on by it's self. And I keep seeing an odd figure in the mirror! Your grandmother eventually found out about this and decided to find a way to stop all of this. We discovered that if we tell the story in another house, the paranormal actions will spread there. So when you told us to tell a story yesterday, I couldn't help but tell it. First we thought it will cure everything. But after you went to bed, we discovered that we have doomed us all! It was the middle of the night when we started seeing things again. But this time it was scarier than before. We knew we couldn't tell the story again. Not even one peep. But then something came up. We discovered we couldn't stop ourselves from telling the story, we just need to get away from society. That's why we didn't go outside with you. Because the more we spend time with our love ones the more likely it will spread to them."

Grandpa took a breath. "Now that I have told you about it" he said, "You must leave. Before something bad happens. " "Come on" Jacob said, "This seems pretty un-real." "Yeah"Layla said, "Grandpa discovering the story on the internet? Pretty un-real!"
"No no no! The part about the story, and the seeing things, and spreading to love ones! They all seem too un-real!"

"Oh yeah!? Then what's that!" Grandpa pointed a finer at the shadow behind them. "W-what?" Jacob and Layla spun around then let out a cry of shock! The shadow started moving.

Oooooh! It made it's eerie noise. Layla gasp. "That's the eerie noise we heard up stairs!" "Woah" Jacob said,"What is that!?" "It's the Skeleton Ghost Ghoul!" Grandpa yelled, "It came for me! I started all this and now it has come to posses me!" He motioned over to grandma. "Hurry" he told her, "Get Layla out of here! Jacob and I will handle all this." With no waiting, grandma grabbed Layla's arm and ran up the stairs. "Wait!" Layla yelled, "Let me go! What's going on!"

As grandma and Layla left the room, Jacob turned around to face grandpa. "Us?" He said, "How are we suppose to stop all of this. And what about Layla? Why can't she help us?" "She's too young for this" grandpa said,"Now we can stop all this by trapping the story on a scroll!" "A scroll?" Jacob looked confuse.
"Listen" grandpa said,"By telling the story on a scroll, the Skeleton Ghost Ghoul will be trap there with it!" He reached down into his pocket and grabbed out a scroll. "Now"he said, "Tell the story with me! Two of us together!" As he was about to talk again, a skeleton hand shot out to cover his mouth. "Ahhh!" Jacob yelled at what he saw. Slowly the eerie shadow start to fade away. And then...
A figure from behind stepped up. "The Skeleton Ghost Ghoul!" Jacob screamed. "Hurry" grandpa yelled, "Tell the story! Now that he's free, we only have one minute before he possess me! Hurry!"
The evil skeleton then letted out a strange yet horrifying laugh. It sounded like your worst nightmare!
"Hahahahahahaha!!!"it's evil skeleton mouth choked out.

"U-uh I-I" Jacob stammered. He grabbed the scroll from grandpa's hand. "But I don't know the story!" "Just try!" his grandpa yelled. "Try! Just try!"

"Uh -uh. Ok. Uh. The Skeleton Ghost Ghoul stalks people and possesses them! No-no-no wait that's not right. Uh?..."

"Hurry! 30 seconds!"

"I can't! This is all happening so fast. I don't understand any of this! This makes like zero sense!" "Just try to remember!" Grandpa yelled,"Just tr-"
"M-mmm" grandpa murmured. Jacob let out a gasp of shock at what he saw. The Skeleton Ghost Ghoul was choking grandpa. "Quit gramps!" It said,"You're ruining my chance to posses you!" He stared at Jacob. "20 seconds!" He whispered, "Tick Tock!" He grabbed out another boney hand to grab the scroll. But Jacob maneuvered away from him. "You're not gonna get this!" He said. He then opened up the scroll.
"Ten more seconds kid!" The evil skeleton said, "10-9..."

"I uh..."


"Uh! Come on! Come on! Remember!"


"Come on! Come one! Come on!"


"What?! No! Wait-wait-wait-wait! This can't happen! Not now!" Jacob reached out a hand to touch grandpa. And it went right through him. "No!" Jacob yelled. "No no no no no!"
He watched as the evil skeleton start turning into pure shadow. The shadow start to fade into grandpa. Moments later, grandpa was collapsed on the floor. His eyes red. His face turning to a skull. "It's over! I've been possessed" he managed to choke out before shutting off his eyes!

"NO!!!" Jacob sat down next to his grandpa. "Don't worry!" He said,"I will find a way to fix all of this! I'll get him out of your body. I'll get you back grandpa! I promise!" Then he laid his head down on grandpa's chest. Sobbing and crying. "I will" he whispered,"I promise..."

*And that was just the beginning!*

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