That One Mare

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That's when the two pegasi started to flip.

"Oh Celestia! Oh Celestia! How will we ever sperate!!" Rainbow's eyes dilated.

Blitz's eyes were the same, almost identical to the size of Rainbow's. He tried to pull their hooves away, but it was unsuccessful. She sighed. "We're just gonna be stuck together for the rest of our lives..." Be watched as they began to fuse even more, their heads were the only thing not connected.

Applejack watched in tears, as well and the rest of the stallions. Then, Dusk stepped up.

"Dash and Blitz. You two have to make up and apologize to one another." He seemed to know what he was doing.

"What!? Shine, listen to yourself! I can't apologize to myself!" Blitz yelled, his and Dash's necks fusing.

Dusk looked annoyed and solemn. "Blitz, just do it!" He sighed. "Without the elements of Loyalty, our two worlds won't be able to survive."

Dash rolled her eyes. "I'm supposed to apologize to that dingus?" She scoffed. "And plus, as he said, I can't apologize to myself!"

"Yes, you can! You just think you can't!" Twilight walked out from the crowd, standing a distance away from Dusk. The purple male blushed in her presence.

Blitz nodded. "Fine, fine." He tried to make eye contact with Dash, which didn't work. "Dash, I'm sorry." He rolled his eyes at the end of the sentence.

Twilight and Dusk sat with horror as their cheeks started to form into one. "Mean it, you two!!" They both shouted.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for getting in the way of your relationship with AJ! You two make a great couple!" Blitz cried, a small tear escaping his eye.

"And I'm sorry I was mean to you, Blitz! Your actually really cool!" Dash's eye let out a tear as well, as their head fused into one, a huge light exploding and blinding the whole crowd.

As soon as everyone's eyes opened, there was nothing in front of them.

Applejack started to cry into Twilights shoulder, Butterscotch doing the same to Exclusive.

"Guys? Why are you crying?" Dash's voice was heard.

"Yeah. You look pathetic. Heh." Blitz's voice then followed.

All the ponies looked around, seeing two pegasi gloating down from the sky; unscathed.

"Blitz!!" Bubble ran to the blue stallion, hugging him.

"Dash!!" Pinkie did the same, crying.

"We thought ya died!" AJ ran over to Dash and Blitz hugging them.

"Nope! We're here!" They laughed, then glaring at each other and growling.

"Don't touch my mare..." Dash teased.

"Oh, don't you worry. I won't. Syke!" Blitz grabbed AJ and flew off, snickering.

"Get back here! Hey!" Dash flew after him. "That one mare is mine!!"

That One MareWhere stories live. Discover now