That One Start Of a Race

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Treble Maker stood in the stands next to Applejack, the two of them chatting up a storm. Treble's boyfriend stood next to Fluttershy, the two talking just as much. "Cocoa, the race is about to start!" Treble galloped over to her boyfriend, his zebra patterned foreleg wrapping her into a hug. Treble loved her okapi boyfriend more than anything in the world. A loud whistle rang out across the chattering, all looked to see who it was. Applejack smiled and put her hoof down. "So, the race is gonna start soon! Blitz and Dash are racin' for the hoof of yours truly!" Everyone cheered and stomped their hooves. Cocoa and Treble both let out a name. "Dash!!" Cocoa wooped. "Blitz!!" Treble yelled. The couple look at each other, their ears flopping down and a bit of hostility showing in their eyes.

As the two counterparts emerged into the crowds, applause up roared immediately. Dash and Blitz loved this applause, causing each one to smirk and wave a hoof. They got to the line, looking at one another. "You okay to lose, Dashie?" Blitz scoffed, readying his wings. Dash glared at him. "You bet Tartarus I am, Blitzy." The mare's face lit up with a toothy grin. "Oh, it is on!!" Blitz and Dash both got into positions. "Hey!!" Their ears perked up at the voice. "Why are y'all fightin' over me again?" The voice emerged out of the massive crowd, revealing Applejack sporting her signature hat. Dash sighed. "Do we have to explain, again!" Blitz and Dash both talked at the same time. "Because your pretty, hard working, honest, and AWESOME!!" The two glared at each other again. "Well, nevermind. You two focus on this race that makes no point what so ever." And with that, the farmpony trotted away into the mass of ponies. The two narrowed their eyes, spread their wings, and bit their lip. This was going to determine who gets their beloved Applejack. Pinkie Pie stood next to them, a party horn in hoof. She sat in a balloon, ready to lift off and follow the racers. "On your mark, get set....GO BANANAS!!" Pinkie blew her party horn, the two pegasi lifting off into the clear blue sky. This was it, the race of a lifetime.

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