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"When I look into your eyes,

it's like watching the night sky

or a beautiful sunrise,

there's so much they hold"


I don't think Phil has ever acknowledged my existence, but that was going to change today. I had to bring up all the courage I had in me to go up to him, because I was afraid I was gonna make a fool of myself, as usual.

I knew exactly what place he sat every day at lunch. It was a pretty beautiful spot outside, with a view on the pond next to the school. The weather was still good. Autumn was on its way but it was still summer. The sun shone brightly and I walked up to Phil.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

Phil looked up from his sandwich. It was like he saw me for the first time, he didn't seem to recognize me.

"Sure," he said after hesitating a while.

I sat down, not too close to him in fear he wouldn't approve, and I took my lunchbox from my backpack.

"I'm Dan, by the way."

"Right, I'm Phil," he said and he looked at me. I then noticed the color of his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of bright blue, and there was a little yellow in them.

"I know," I said and then realised that must have sounded really weird.

"I mean, I know your name because we're in a couple of classes together," I blushed.

Phil grinned and took a bite of his sandwich.


Phil and I were walking to philosophy class together. I remembered how Phil sits alone in philosophy, just like me. I asked Phil if he wanted to sit next to me. He said yes.

So in class we went to sit together. The teacher didn't even seem to notice, so we thought it was all good.

I saw Chris and PJ enter the class, the only people at school I could actually get along with. I smiled at them and they smiled back, looking at Phil sitting next to me they gave me a questioning look but I ignored it. They went to sit right in front of us.

After almost half an hour PJ turned around. We were supposed to work in silence but obviously the whole class was talking. The teacher didn't mind. He looked like he could use a good night of sleep.

"So, Dan, aren't you gonna introduce us to this new friend of yours?" PJ smiled at Phil and Phil looked at me, as if I had to decide whether I wanted to introduce him to PJ and Chris or not.

I laughed, because Chris pulled a weird face at PJ's politeness.

"I'm Chris and this is PJ," Chris looked at Phil.

"Hi, I'm Phil."

"Phil is new at school so I thought I'd kind of show him around you know?" I said while I blushed a little because that was not really why I wanted to be friends with him.

"Right," PJ said, I could see he looked through my fake explanation but luckily he didn't say anything about it.

"So why did you move here? I mean, I assume you moved here?" Pj asked phil.

"Yeah I did. It's because my mother got a new job and, well, my father died a couple of years ago so I couldn't stay in the town we lived in before, and my mom found a nice house close to her work and that's kind of why we moved here."

His father died. I suddenly felt really sorry for him and a weird urge to give him a hug. I decided I wouldn't make a comment about it.

"BOYS! Stop talking and go do your homework. Yes, I'm talking to you Chris and Pj," the teacher suddenly yelled and Pj and Chris turned around again.


The schoolday had almost ended, and for the first time in my entire existence I didn't really want it to end. I wanted to keep talking to Phil, because he made me feel appreciated. How weird does that sound? I thought. You barely even know him.

The last class was biology. Phil and I sat next to each other again, with Pj and Chris right behind us. The teacher came into class and the class became silent.

"Today, you are going to start with an assignment in groups of four. You are going to do research on the concept of love. What does love mean? What does love mean to you? When would you say you're 'in love'? Do you think love exists? Those are the questions you are going to be asking yourself and the classmates in your group. Hand in the work you did next week."

The teacher walked around the class to give everyone the assignment on paper with about 15 questions about love on it.

I turned to Chris, Pj and Phil.

"So are we a group or not?"

They all agreed and we got to work. When the lesson ended we were not even nearly done with the questions so we are going to have to finish it sometime else.

The four of us walked out of the school together.

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