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"You were red and you liked me

because I was blue,
you touched me and suddenly

I was a lilac sky"


Last sunday I woke up because Phil literally fell out of his bed, on top of me. We laughed it off but I sensed something was up. I had heard him talking in his sleep and I felt like he was having a nightmare. I didn't ask about it because I felt that would be rude. I just let it be.

At noon that day, Chris and Pj came around to work on the assignment we have to hand in today. We worked through all the questions and we felt like the finished product was good.


I'm walking towards biology class together with Phil once again. When we settle down in our seats something happens. There are two guys and a girl coming in holding up a big sign that says "HOMECOMING".

Oh God, they came to inform us about homecoming this year. I have never been to homecoming before because it has only recently been introduced here, since it's an American thing.

"Hello people from our generation," one of the guys start. Where is this going?

"This year, homecoming is going to be a little bit different than the years before. This year it is going to be held in the week of October 11th, also known as the international coming out day. October 11th being the night of the dance."

I blushed, not knowing why.

"So, if you bring a date of the same gender to the dance, you will be a nominee for the two homecoming kings or queens. It is a bit different, I know, but we want to encourage people to come out and show them they will be accepted."

"And what if you're straight?" Someone yells from the back row of the class.

"Well, homecoming will be exactly the same, only thing is you can't be nominated for king or queen at the dance. There will be many activities in the context of LGBTQ+, but that shouldn't hinder straight people to join in as well. I hope you are all excited to do the activities and the to go to the dance."


We handed in our work about love and the lesson continued like normal. No one even made a comment about homecoming anymore. Why not? I wondered. It felt like kind of a big deal to me, but maybe not to other people. I didn't really know what to do. Maybe I'd just not attend the dance again, like usual.

The day went on and after school I went to the library to search for some books to read. I enjoyed reading, but I didn't have enough time to actually read. In the next weeks I'd hopefully have some time to read a good book. I went straight to the 'fiction' section since that was the genre I enjoyed most.

When I got there, I looked at all the books on the shelves. So many books, so many stories. How was I ever supposed to explore every single fictional world? There were too many books to read in a lifetime, and this was just the school's library for God's sake. I took out one of the books called The Shining by Stephen King. I started reading the back.

"That's a great one," I almost screamed because I didn't hear anyone approaching. I turned around and saw the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Of course it was Phil.

"Have you read it?"

"Yeah. The movie is good too," his eyes had these lights in them that made his whole face smile, even though he wasn't smiling at that moment.

"I have never seen it."

"Just tell me when you have, we could watch it together?"

Him asking me that made me happy. I looked at him and a slight smile was forming on his lips.

"Sure," I finally answered and I looked at the book again. I was definitely going to borrow it from the library to take home.

Thinking about having a movie night wih Phil I went to the receptionist at the library and she made sure to check multiple times that the book had been lend out.


I went home and settled down on my bed, taking my ipod to turn on some music and I looked out of the window. It was only a couple of days ago that the supermoon had occured, and the moon was smaller again and not whole.

I still liked watching the moon, even though it didn't look as special as when I was wih Phil. The moon felt like a promise.. A promise that there are more places out there than just earth. That there are a million other planets to discover. Who knows what's out there? I don't think anyone will ever explore the whole entire universe. At least not in my lifetime.

But it is something, something that could keep me up at night, thinking about it for hours. What if there is extra terrestrial life out there? Will they come to us first or will we discover their planet? Or planets? And what would happen next? War?

Maybe it would be better if we just stayed on this filthy planet, even though we are on our way to destructing it. Maybe it would be better not to think about this at all, because it's a useless cycle of imaginations that will probably never happen, and they are probably not even true.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about it. The question kept coming back to me, what's out there?

After a while I decided to start reading thebook and I was hooked from page one. I kept reading and reading and readinguntil I fell asleep.

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