Josh smirked, "You've always had a soft side for Riley haven't you, Cammy?" I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up, " I grumbled but smiled a little. I think he saw my smile because he chuckled.
"We leave in an hour." He said in a more serious tone. I just nodded.
I thought about Riley again--do I have a soft side for Riley? That's ridiculous...Isn't it? I? I mean even if I did, she wouldn't have a soft side for me. I mean, I'm just Cameron. While, she's Riley. Riley Whitehead...
"Cameron?" Josh clicked in front of my face.
My head snapped up, "Sorry what?"
"Thinking about Riley, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows, smirking.
"Do you think Riley has a soft spot for me?" Bad move Cameron. Josh's smirk widened.
"Maybe...So you DO have a soft spot for a little Riley?" Josh asked.
"No, and I'm gunna prove it!" We were standing right outside Riley and Liv's old home. Ready to break in. Yeah, okay, I'm a bad boy in school, but I've never done ANYTHING as bad as breaking into someone's house!
"Are you sure, we're not gunna get caught?" I asked Josh for about the 23rd time.
"Pretty sure, Cam, pretty sure. But if we do, I'll take the blame." Josh smiled.
"Okay. How are we gunna get in?"
"Through the back. The back door is always open." He stated.
We got all the tapes we could find. I found 4, Josh found 3. That makes 7. Oosh! I can MATH!
"We better get home." Josh said.
"Why what time is it?"
"School starts in an hour." He stated plaining. Crap!
"See ya, Josh! Mum's gunna be so worried!" I ran home, shoving the tapes in my draw when I got in.
My mum isn't even up! I was worried for NOTHING! Forty five minutes until school starts. Might as well start getting ready.
"Hey Cam!" Kannis called me over.
"Sup, Kannis!" I called back.
"What have you been doing this weekend? Not seen you in ages, mate."
"Just chilling. Nothing really." I lied.
"Dude, you could've come over to mine." Kannis leaned on his locker.
"I'll come over today, then." I stated.
"Hey bros!" Oscar, Chase and Alex walked over to us. I nodded and smiled.
"Hi." Kannis said.
Small talk went around our group until it died down. Liv walked up to me.
"Cameron? Can I talk to you?"
"And you are?" Chase asked, rudely.
"Liv. Riley's sister." She answered, back.
"Why are you bothering Cameron?" Oscar spat.
"I'm not. I was just going to ask h-"
"Nothing, because you're going to walk away from here...NOW!" Kannis interrupted. She looked at me sympathetically.
"Go on. Scran!" I nodded my head to where she should go. Tears brimmed her eyes. I felt so ashamed. After what she's been through...
She darted away, dodging her way through all the students.
"So, first you're nice to my sister and now, you're being horrible?" Shoot. Riley.
I turn to face her, "Riley I-"
"Shut up!" She slammed me into the lockers, "What actually is your problem, Cameron? First you're the nice Cameron I know and we're best friends, the next minute you're an ass! I don't want to be friends with an ass!"
"What about TYLER?" I shot, "Are you still friends with him? He left without saying goodbye to your sorry ass!"
"I don't want anything to do with Tyler!" She shouted.
"He left you. You were and still are heartbroken! Honestly, no-one could give a crap about your problems! You're just a little scrunt that should leave everyone alone! I'm not surprised your dad left you!"
I heard snickers from beside me. I felt a weight off me.
"Oh, and Riley? You might wanna lose a few pounds." I smirked. Serves you right for shoving me into the lockers.
I looked at my friends, and back to Riley, who had already gone.
"Did you see the way she ran off?" Chase laughed.
"You need to get her back for doing that though." Kannis said.
"I will. Don't you worry." I smiled.
"See you guys later." Alex called.
"But, the bell hasn't even rung yet." Oscar shouted.
"I know." He said.
Where's he going?

Adopted By 5sos
أدب الهواة"Where's their father then?" He asked. "They won't be seeing their father again." Harry answered, quietly. "Oh. Well, if they don't have a place to stay then we have to put them up for adoption." The doctor said, sadly. Michael was first to react, "...