Chapter 5

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Tess' point of view:

After waiting a few moments, my heart a drum against my ribs, I carefully examine his closed eyes, making sure, one hundred percent, that he's asleep. His chest rises and falls with the rhythm of his breath, a steady, reassuring pulse in the silence. The firelight casts flickering shadows across his face, highlighting the harsh angles of his jaw, the dark lines of his brow, a stark contrast to the peaceful expression on his face.

I take a deep breath, the air cold against my lungs, and walk over his legs, careful not to disturb him. I move as quietly as I can, my feet barely making a sound on the soft earth floor of the tent. The feeling of escape is electric, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, pushing me forward. I turn back to take one last look at him, a final confirmation that my opportunity is here. I feel a wave of relief wash over me, a flicker of hope in the suffocating darkness. Phew.

I zip the tent down, its nylon fabric whispering against the cool night air, and step outside into the breezy darkness. The air is crisp, the scent of pine needles and damp earth filling my nostrils. The stars are out, a scattering of diamonds against the velvet canvas of the night sky, but they seem distant, cold, uncaring. Is this what freedom feels like? It feels cold, lonely, and terrifying.

I don't waste a second, my feet pounding the forest floor as I race through the woods, the darkness engulfing me, the shadows stretching out like grasping fingers. The trees, once a source of beauty and wonder, now feel menacing, their branches like skeletal arms reaching out to snag me. My lungs burn, my legs ache, but I keep running, fueled by a desperate hope, a primal instinct to survive.

The car, a dark silhouette against the distant lights of the highway, comes into view, a beacon of hope in the dark, silent woods. I see it, a dark metal beast, sitting alone by the side of the road. But as I reach the car, my heart sinks. Shit. I forgot to grab the keys. My forehead burns with the weight of my stupidity. How was I so careless, so foolish?

The realization hits me like a physical blow, a wave of despair that threatens to drown me. I stand there, my body shaking, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I contemplate my options, my mind racing. Should I go back and try to find the keys, hoping to avoid a confrontation? Or should I run as far as I can, try to find any local store or diner where I can use a phone, get help, escape? But what if he's already alerted the police? What if he's waiting for me, watching my every move?

"Tess!" The familiar, raspy voice cuts through the darkness, a chillingly close sound that sends a wave of panic crashing over me. My heart stutters in my chest, a frantic drumbeat of fear. No. No. No. Without knowing where to hide, I try to cover myself beside the car, my body pressed against its cold metal, the darkness a poor shield against his predatory eyes. Please don't see me, please don't see me.

"Fuck, I know you're out here!" He shouts, his voice laced with a simmering anger that sends a tremor through the air. I clench my jaw, biting back a sob, my body rigid with fear. The echo of his voice in the woods is like a predator's growl, sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm not playing games, Tess. I'm not playing fucking games," he shouts, his British accent clear and sharp in the silence. The sound of footsteps begins to move closer and closer, the thumping of the bottom of his shoes becomes louder and louder. My heart pounds in my chest, a frantic drumbeat of terror.

"Tess, Tess, Tess...What am I going to do with you?" A shadow, a towering figure against the darkness, casts in front of me. I gasp, my breath caught in my throat, my body freezing, a deer caught in the headlights. I feel the cold metal of the car against my back, the darkness a suffocating presence.

My heart pounds a desperate rhythm against my ribs.

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