chapter 4

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As Jake and I were riding back to his house I asked him "Do you know a guy named Emmett?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yeah why?" "Well there was this rude guy at the movies and he stepped in and took care of the guy." I explain. "Abby you know the Cullens I told you about?" I nod. "Well he's one of them. There bad news. Try to avoid them if you can." I don't get it. What is so wrong about the Cullens. I've never even seen them and people are already telling me there no good. But I have an opinion too. I might think there cool and want to hang out with them. But everyone has their opinions. And Jakes opinion is just a little more diffrent then mine. We pulled up at his house. Seth and Quil are outside kicking a soccer ball. "Hey Abby." They say. Seth even comes up and picks me up and spins me around. I laugh. We walk in the house and Jakes dad is at the kitchen table. "Hello Abby. How are you?" "I'm good Mr. Black." Jake leads me back to his room. "Have a seat and stay a while Abs." I sit on Jacobs bed. "You know there's only like 5 more weeks left until school starts back." I tell him. "I know. It's gonna suck not being able to hang out with you all day." "We can always hang after school." I say. He nods in agreement. My phone starts buzzing. It's a text message from Aunt M 'Time to come home. We're going clothes shopping tomorrow. Love Aunt M.' "That's Auntie. Got to go Jake." "Ok I'll see you later." I walk out of his house and start walking back home.

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