Chapter 14

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Jake has been gone for a few hours. Aunt M and Jordan had gone into town about 30 minutes ago. I'm sitting up in my room when some one knocks at the door. I run down to answer it. I open the door and my nightmare looks me in the face. "Hey beautiful. Miss me." It's the vampire who attacked me when I first came here. I try to run but he grabs me and pulls me out the door. "You are not getting away from me this time. But just to make absolutely sure." He grabs my leg and twists it. "STOP! YOUR GOING TO BREAK IT!" I scream in pain. "Exactly." He says with a grin on his face. My leg finally snaps. "MY LEG! YOU BROKE IT!" I yell. He slaps me across the face. "Listen to me you filthy bitch. If you make another sound I will kill your aunt and cousin while you watch!" He snaps. "You won't get away with this. Jake will come for me." I say. The unknown vampire just laughs. He carries me away to an unknown location. After about an hour we come to a cliff facing the ocean. "We're here." He places me down. "Why have you brought me here?" I ask. "Because I want the Cullens and those pack of rabid dogs to suffer they way I did when they hunted and killed my sister Victoria." He explains. "And the only way to do that is to kill you. I will have vengeance for my sister." My heart almost jumps out of my chest. "Victor stop!" A voice says. I turn my head to see the Cullens and the pack behind me. This so called Victor grabbed me and put his hand around my throat. "Stay back or I will snap her neck!" He snarls. "You don't have to do this Victor! Your sister was trying to kill Bella. She had to be stopped." Edward said. "DON'T TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY! SHE WAS ALL I HAD AND YOU KILLED HER! Victor yells. "It doesn't have to end this way." Carlisle says. "Yes it does. You all took something from me. So know I will take something from you." Victor throws me off the cliff and into the ocean. I scream as I fall. As I hit the water I begin to sink. But I managed to float back to the top. I try swimming to shore but with my broken leg it's no use. I finally except my fate and let my body sink into the salt water. I'm close to death when cold hands jerk me out of the water. "Abby. Abby. Come on stay with me!" A voice yells. "Emmett?" I gasp out. "Yeah its me princess. You've got to stay with me." All I can do is grin as the darkness over takes me and everything goes black.

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