Chapter 27

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**Author's note** sorry for all the time skips! Not trying to be lazy lol!

**3 months later**
I'm huge! Well I guess that's normal being 8 months pregnant. I'm ready to pop. Jake never let's me out of his sight anymore. We were supposed to have the baby shower last month but I was so sick I couldn't even get out of the bed. So we're having it today it today at Emily's house. I'm currently sitting on Em's couch. Alice and Maya are supposed to be coming. I'm very happy that they can come. Leah comes in. "Hey Abby how are ya?" She asks. "Fine I suppose." I say. The girls start arriving. Leah's mom Sue decided to come. I've never actually met her before but I hear she's nice. Anyway everyone brings wonderful gifts for the baby. Alice got the baby a whole wardrobe. He'll have clothes till he's like 5 years old! Everyone basically got the essential stuff. Pampers, wipes, bottles stuff like that. Sue gave me a baby bed. "Thank you so much Sue." I say. "It's no problem. It's Seth's old baby bed." She said. Leah got him a pair of little pair of boots. Emily got him the cutest little bear outfit. Maya got me a jacket that I can put the baby in (see above). It's really neat. After I open all that we go into the kitchen to eat some of the finger foods Em made. All of a sudden I get a sharp pain in my back. Oh it hurts. Then something runs down my leg. "Guys I think my water just broke." I say. "Oh God." Leah says. "We've got to get you to the hospital!" Emily yells. Emily and Leah help me out to the car. Right when we get outside the pack shows up. "Babe what's wrong?" Jake asks. "Her water broke. We're taking her to the hospital." Leah says. We get into the car and drive to the hospital. Jake drives while Leah and Em sit in the back with me. When we get to the hospital they put me and Jake back in a room. "I want Emily and Leah in here!" I yell. "Are they family?" The doctor asks. "There my sisters!" The doctor goes and gets them. "Oh I'm so glad you guys are here." I choke out. I'm in so much pain. "Damn you Jacob Balck! Why did I let you do this to me!" I scream. I'll apologize later. The doctor comes back in. "Ok I'm going to count to three and then I'm gonna need you to push." I nod. "One two three!" I push. I squeeze Jake and Leah's hand. "Just a few more pushes and your baby will be here." The doctor says. "Come on babe. Just a few more pushes and we'll have our baby boy." Jake says. I give one more big push and I hear a baby cry. "It's a boy." The doctor says. "No shit." Leah says. I bust out laughing. The doctor cleans off the baby off and hands him to me. "Oh he's beautiful." Jake says. The baby starts to open his eyes. "Hey little buddy. I'm your daddy. And this lovely lady right here is your mommy. We've been waiting 9 months to meet you." Jake says to our son. "I called everyone. There on the way." Leah said. I nod. The doctor comes back in. "Have you decided on a name?" I nod. "My husband and I have talked about it and we've decided. His name is Aiden Alexander Black." I say. The doctor writes it on his birth certificate. "Jake get in this bed I'm cold and this blanket ain't cutting it." I say. He climbs in the bed with me and Aiden. Sam is the first to come in. "Hey congrats guys. He's beautiful." He says. I start to get tired. Jake is currently holding Aiden. "I've got him babe rest." Jake said. I nod and slip into a deep sleep. Now I have two great boys in my life.

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