Chapter 42

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** 1 year later**
It's been a year since I buried my grandmother. I have to admit the first couple of months was awful. I was so wrapped up in revenge. I went weeks at a time without seeing Jacob or Aiden. I looked for weeks for the monster that killed my grandmother but it was to no avail. I finally came to the realization that I may never find that monster. I stared focusing on my husband and son. Aiden turned a year old about a month ago. Jake and I threw him a huge party. He's grown so much. Not only did we celebrate his first year of life but also his first words. Jake and I were cleaning up when Aiden looked at us both and yelled. "Mama! Dada!" We were so proud. That was probably the best day of my life. Now all he has to do is learn how to walk. Anyhow life has pretty much returned to normal. We're on our way to the beach with Seth and Leah. "Are you ready to go to the beach Aiden?" Seth asks him. Aiden shakes his head yes. He looks like a mini Jacob. When we get to the beach Aiden is dying to get out. I unbuckle him from his car seat and make my way down to the sand. I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist. "Hey babe." I say to Jake kissing his cheek. Aiden grunts and wraps his arms around my neck. "Are you jealous little man?" Jake asks. Aiden sticks his tongue out. I laugh and continue walking. I sit down in the sand with Aiden. I sit him in my lap and give him a few toys to play with. I watch Seth Leah and Jake kick around a soccer ball. Aiden puts his hands down in the sand. He looks at me. "Mama." He says. "Yes dear?" I ask. He lifts up his tiny hands to show me the sand. I giggle at my son. I reach into the beach bag I brought and pulled out a sippy cup filled with juice. I handed it to Aiden and he smiles. "Tank you." He says. "Your welcome." I say kissing his cheek. A few minutes later Jake comes up to us and sits beside me. "What's up you two?" He asks. I shake my head. "Dada!" Aiden says stretching his arms out for Jacob wanting to be picked up. "Hey my little man." Jake says. Aiden giggles. After another hour or so Aiden starts to get sleepy so we decide to get going. I look in the back seat to see Aiden fast asleep. I smile. I didn't think I would ever be happy again. I'm just thankful I had my husband and great friends to help me through it. When we get home I put Aiden in his crib and walk into my room. "I had fun today babe." I tell Jake. "Me too. I'm glad to see you happy again." He says. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you so much Abby." I smile. "I love you too Jacob."

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