Part 5

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You awaken to the feeling of blissful warmth, and that of a hard body cocooning itself around you sometime during the day. Lifting your head you see Kankri has wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face there, his legs curled underneath your own. Biting your lip you carefully lift your hand to run your fingers through his hair. Something you would never have the nerve to do while he was awake. Surprisingly, he seems to lean into it, a small, contented purr escaping his throat. You smile, a feeling of euphoria filling you from within. Unbidden you begin to hum an old lullaby you had heard from sweeps ago, and finally you begin to softly sing it. It was something you couldn't help when you were caught up in the moment. And as you sing you continue to lightly pet his head, careful to avoid the sensitive horns...

Lay down your head, and I'll sing you a lullaby.
Back to the years of loo li lai lay.
And I'll sing you to sleep,
And I'll sing you tomorrow,
Bless you with love for the road that you go...

May there always be angels to watch over you,
To guide you each step of the way.
To guide you, and keep you safe from all harm...
Loo li loo li lai lay...

Now fall off to sleep,
I'm not meaning to keep you,
I'll just sit for a while
And sing loo li lai lay

May there always be angels to watch over you,
To guide you each step of the way.
To guide you, and keep you safe from all harm...
Loo li loo li lai lay...
Loo li loo li lai lay...

As you hum the closing tunes to the song you are unaware of the golden eyes closing over your stomach, attempting to stem the flow of red tears created from the beauty of your voice before they can stain your robe and give him away.

Kankri holds himself as still as he possibly could, feigning sleep with all he has. He was afraid if he didn't you might stop, and end the miracle of your voice... or he might wake up, only to realize this was just a dream created by cruel gods to torment the suffering, unloved troll in a new way. He was so tired of being unappreciated, so sick of being ridiculed by those he only wanted to care for, that he was afraid to give himself over and invite the possibility of rejection. This was why he became a celibate all those sweeps ago—to avoid the ripping pain he felt gnawing at his chest, even in this very moment. He wished he had the strength to take such chances with romantic feelings ...

He wished he had the strength to tell you of the depth and profound color of the crimson emotions he felt for you... But he was too afraid. You had nearly already crushed him once, when you had implied that you only loved his voice...

'6ut what a69ut the rest 9f me...?' he thought sadly. 'Is it s9 unw9rthy 9f affecti9n?' With a shuddering sigh he turned his face into the crook of his shoulder, attempting to hide in his sweater the tears of frustration leaking out of the corners of his eyes. 'Am I s9 unwanted...?'

After all, no one else truly desired him—they mostly despised him—so... why would you feel any differently?

As the young trolls both drifted back into sleep the storm raged overhead, the rain curtaining off your hive in a shield of impenetrable darkness against the sun, and creating the illusion of absolute solitude while lightning streaked through the sky in fantastic arrays of majesty and power. The chill created as the fire died down brought the two trolls even closer together, despite the fears which kept them apart.

Caretaker Kankri: Kankri X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now