Part 10

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~ Nine months later~

You are currently lying belly down on the plush carpeting of your library, reading a new addition to your collection of novels. It is a gift from your matesprit to celebrate, according to him, the nine months you have been together. Secretly you believe he just wants another troll with which to discuss the complex theories contained within, as hardly any other troll in the area would so much as pick up the large tome. But you don't mind. Kankri is right. This book is AWESOME. Though you pretend otherwise to rile him up, as the lectures between you two lately tend to end in ... shall we say, compromising situations.

He knows you do so on purpose, of course. And so far he hasn't said anything, but that's likely because you don't push him further than he is comfortable with. You let him keep control, which means he says when to slow back down—and, more frustratingly, when to stop. No, you have not yet gone much farther than a bit of heavy petting, but again, you don't mind.

You glance back at the troll sitting beside and somewhat behind you, playing with a strand of your hair while he neglects the book in his lap. You smile, noting to yourself how a few months ago he likely wouldn't have even sat next to you without permission. Now he was perfectly comfortable giving you random little loving touches whenever the mood struck him—and he was almost just as comfortable when you reciprocated, though sometimes, when he wasn't expecting the touch, he could still be triggered. You find it is more likely to occur in public areas, where he feels pressured and criticized by the people surrounding him.

Kankri notices you watching him and smiles indulgently. "Did y9u need s9mething, [Name]?"

You smile back mischievously. "I thought you said this novel was supposed to be 'enlightening.' I find I am having a hard time concentrating on the material."

He laughs at your response. "Y9u, my dear matesprit, are lying. I can see it in y9ur eyes."

"Kankri," you admonish playfully, turning your head in a way to let the sensitive troll know you were messing around, "are you calling me a liar? Some might find that very triggering, you know." He smiles in amusement, setting his book aside and laying himself down next to you with his body facing yours.

"N9ted." He leans his head closer to yours, his mouth closing in on your ear. "W9uld y9u mind telling me then what part, exactly, y9u are having tr9u6le c9ncentrating 9n?"

"Why, all of it, Kri. I'm afraid my mind is elsewhere at the moment." Which is entirely true, what with Kankri's fingers slowly running up the length of your spine. You shiver in delight.

"I'm sure." His quiet chuckling flutters against your skin as he pulls the locks of your hair over the shoulder closest to him. You obediently turn your head away from him as he plants the elbow of his free hand on the far side of you, coaxing you to lie out fully on your stomach while simultaneously bringing his chest against your middle back. He rests his chin on your shoulder. "Perhaps y9u need a 6reak fr9m y9ur studies. I w9uld rec9mmend a 6it 9f exercise t9 get y9ur th9ughts fl9wing again, 9r put y9ur mind elsewhere and c9me 6ack m9mentarily t9 review what y9u have read." His palm drifts up your arm and over your shoulder, curling around your ribcage and stroking down your side. Normally such an action would be ticklish, but Kankri had long since mastered the pressure needed to avoid such a distracting result. Your breath catches, and you unconsciously lift your hips a little, inviting his touch to travel further as his fingers pause at your waistband. You feel him smile against your throat at your reaction, and your flesh warms at his touch, goosebumps dotting your skin in anticipation. Kankri breathes in deeply, catching the scent of your arousal. With a low growl he licks the curve of your shoulder and slips his hand inside.

You let out a deep, shuddering breath as he teases you with his hesitant touch. One of his legs swings over your own, trapping your thighs between his, and he holds himself above your prone form with his other arm. He seals his mouth around that sweet spot on your neck, sucking, as he runs a finger through the folds of your nook, purring at the wetness he finds there. You moan, feeling your legs spread just a little wider to allow him access. Your fists clench above your head and you glance up to see the bright red flush on your lover's face. As he catches your eye you can feel his fingers pull away, pressing against that one spot on their retreat that leaves you shuddering, and you whimper at the loss of connection, squirming while the wet appendages travel up the center of your body. Suddenly Kankri releases your throat with his mouth and pulls you up to stand on your knees, tugging on your shirt. You reach back in response, lightly pulling on the fabric of his sweater. He hesitates at first, but complies with your request and strips you of your garment before disposing of his own.

Caretaker Kankri: Kankri X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now