The STRONG horse and sleepy kitten

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Prince and Princess both charged off barking again. I ran after them trying to keep up the best I could. The snow was really slowing me down as I ran across it. I was about to run out of breath until I came to a halt at a cave. Both dogs just ran inside without hesitation still barking. "I hope they aren't tracking bears" I sighed to myself as I entered the cave.

The grey sky provided enough light for me to see in the cave. Before I could even call out for the dogs I heard a loud slamming sound. I almost jumped out of my own skin in fear. Princess and Prince ran straight back to me with their tail in between their legs barking. Even though I was scared I wasn't going to turn back. I walked deeper into the cave looking for the source of the sound. In the back of the cave I seen something laying there, I approached it slowly. I could see it was a troll, equius for that matter. His back was facing me so he probably doesn't know I'm here. There was a giant hole in the ground next to him. I think he punched the ground to scare the dogs away, smart I would have done that too I thought to myself. I slowly walked up to him, and now that I got a better view of him I could see nepeta was curled up next to him asleep. I couldn't tell if equius was awake because I couldn't see his eyes through to his cracked shades. "equius?" I whispered

"What do you want human?" equius replied

"I here to help you"


"Yes, I have a warm place you and nepeta can stay"

"Very well, take me to this place human I command you"

"Typical indigo blood" I mumbled

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing"I said with a giggle

Equius got up and was about to pick up nepeta when suddenly he stopped and looked at me. I finally realized why he didn't pick her up he was way too strong."want me to carry her?"I asked

"Uhhh... yes thank you"

I hoisted her onto my back and carried her. I walked out of the cave and started to follow my foot prints back to the house. Equius followed me without saying a word, while nepeta remained asleep on my back. After carrying nepeta through the deep snow while the dogs played with my feet, we finally made it back to the house. My cousins were still playing outside, I walked straight into the house. I opened the door to see Gamzee sitting on the couch watching my brother play call of duty while drinking faygo. Gamzee slowly look over at us. "High b100d what are you doing here?" Equius asked

"This motherfucker brought me here."Gamzee said pointing at me

"Really this human saved you too?"


Those two continued their conversation while I put nepeta right next to the fire place. She was still sound asleep. I walked over to Gamzee and yanked the covers away from him and put it on nepeta. I went into the hall closet and grabbed another cover. "Equius catch!" I yelled tossing the cover to him.

He caught it and put it over himself and said "thank you"

"No problem, if you want you can sit next to the fire to warm up but you better not use that cover as a towel you can just ask"

"Ok " equius said while he moved over to the fire place.

Roy sat there not paying any attention to anything that was going on. Gamzee was just staring off into space. I sat on the couch next to Gamzee. "So... how many trolls are there?" Roy said breaking the silence.

"Hmmmm... like 12 of them"


"That is not including their ancestors and dancestors "

"Wow. do you think there are any more trolls are out there"

"Probably, but I don't fell looking for them anymore today is my lazy day"

"Every day is your lazy day"

"Your the one to talk"I said stretching

I got up and walked outside into the cold snow. This time only princess went with me Prince fell asleep next to nepeta. I noticed my cousins were gone and so were the cars 'they probably went with the adults' I thought. I went into the forest for the third time in a row. I followed my foot prints all the way back to the cave. I looked around to see where I should start looking. When suddenly princess started growling. I turned around and seen a cat with a white face and a black body. It sat there staring at me then he got up and walked away. Princess ran after him barking "PRINCESS STOP!!"I yelled running after her.

She continued to run ignoring my commands. Are chase came to stop when princess slipped on a frozen river and fell flat on her stomach. The cat trotted gracefully across the ice with no trouble then disappeared into the forest. Princess stood up and started sniffing at the ice completely forgetting about the cat. I carefully walked onto the frozen river. I noticed the river wasn't completely frozen water was still flowing underneath, but the ice was thick enough to support my weigh. Princess was walking slowly to keep her balance on the ice but she still slipped and fell. "That's what you get for chasing cats" I said laughing at her.

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