Chapter 10

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Before this chapter starts, I would like to shout out to one person who made my day with her COMMENT instead of being a ghost reader and one of those forceful readers that want you to update on a freaking daily like you don't have school or a life too manage.


Nyemiah POV

I cough, eyes closed as I feel around the cold solid floor I found myself lying on. Aching all over, as remnants of what happened yesterday flashed through my mind.

I was kidnapped, by...

My head snaps to the sound of a door slamming open to reveal my worst nightmare.


I knew he had problems, but kidnapping me? Never.

He descended down the steps, stopping to smile as he noticed my eyes were on him. Hate and fear in them.

"Nye, baby you're finally awoke. I brought you some food since I figured my baby would be-SHIT!" I jump up faster than you can blink, charging at him, knowing my small form wouldn't do much damage but the least I could do was try.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO!" I scream, repeatedly him in every place available. He grunts, grabbing a hold of my arms and picking me up. I squirmed wildly as he carried me over to the single mattress, slamming me down on it.

"YOU DON'T! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! YOU LOVE ME, LIKE I LOVE YOU!" He yells at me as I lay there trying to catch the breath that was knocked out of me. "Little Liam can't save, no one can. You're mine now, get used to it." Before I can get another word out he's up the steps, slamming the door behind him.

Someone please...

Liam POV

"What the hell you mean, "He has her"? You had one Damn job, and you couldn't protect my baby! Liam, how in the hell do you expect to move up in this department if you can't do one simple thing like watch over her until we had enough to take him down? I'm disappointed. He could be doing anything to her right now." My captain, Nye's father, sighs. His head hanging low at tell fact that I failed this mission.

I failed his daughter.

"I'm sincerely sorry captain, but sitting here wasting time isn't gonna bring her back any faster."

"You're right, but you're duties have been relieved on this one."


"No buts Liam, just head home kid." I sigh, heading back to the locker room and packing my bag to head home.

I'll be damned if I'm not in on this one. I'm saving my Miah.

Jeff POV

God she is so frustrating! Why can't she see where she's meant to be? I love her, can she not see that?

Regardless of her actions towards me, I still love her. I know this, as I fix a snack for her to eat. Not wanting my poor baby to starve.

How could that Little fool let her run off alone? No sane man would let her wonder. It could've been anyone after her if it wasn't me. If anything I think she's safer with me than any other man.

I did a background search on that guy. A cop. A 23 year old cop, posing as a teen. To protect her from who you might ask? Me. If only they knew my true intentions, they'd understand. She'd understand.

I sigh, grabbing a soda from the fridge and carry down her food and drink to her. I see her sitting on the edge of the mattress, head hung low.

Probably thinking about all of her mistakes.

"Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Here," I say placing the stuff in front of her. She mutters a quiet thanks and I sigh, "I'll be back down later to get your stuff. There's a closet with some clothes and a bathroom over there." Pointing at the door across the room. She nods and I leave her to eat in peace, while I retreat upstairs to do the same.

She'll come around, no need to worry about doing to her what I had to do to the others.

Nyemiah POV

After finishing up with the soda, sandwich and chips, I played back against the wall. Thinking about my current situation, and how it all could've been avoided.

Couldn't stay your grown ass away from that grown man.

I shake my head at my thoughts, standing to my feet and heading to the bathroom. I start to think about Jeff, knowing that SOMETHING had to have happened for him to be acting this way.

Yet I had no clue as to why.

My feelings are at a standstill at this point, because that's what Jeff did to my senses. Yeah, have feelings for some PSYCHO it makes perfect sense.

It does when it helps...
Thanks for reading luvs!


Btw: I'm changing this to a short story, so I can focus better on other things, but I promise the end of this book will have you begging for a sequel that I'll most likely not start but any who!



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