Chapter 6

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"What the f*** just happened in her" I scream, I was in so much shock there was glass smashed and blood all over the floor, what a great way to start or Sydney tip.

"I'll call the police"

"I some know what happened or who's blood this is, I'll go get my mum" Olivia said in shock

"The police will be here in soon" Jai said giving me a hug

"Okay I said too both of them"

"MUM MUM WHERE ARE YOU" Olivia started screaming and crying at the same time

"Where is your mom" I said starting hyperventilate

"I don't know, she isn't here if she was going out she would of told me" Olivia said sliding to the floor

"Girls it's okay the police will be here soon and we will find your mother" He said hugging the both of us

The police put in a kidnapping report and took too the station to ask us questions. We were there for about 2 hours they gave us food and coffee to keep us awake. They kept asking us the same question over and over again, all I wanted to do was go home and cry. I was so scared of going back to the house because blood made me feel really sick and there was heaps all over the floor.

"Alright kids, we are going to take you back home and have a police on hard just incase this person comes back" the officer said

"Okay, at least we will be all together" I said trying to be brave

"Me and Candice have to go back to Melbourne in 2 days are we allowed to or do we have to stay" Jai said sounding worried

"Well you guys aren't allowed to go home because this was a kidnapping and you guys are witnesses" The police officer said

"But we never saw anything, I just want to go home and pretend that this never happened" I said starting to cry

"Hey it's pla you will be fine Jai will take care of us" Olivia said calming me down

"I don't want to go back to the house" I said starting to calm down

"Alright well is there anywhere else you kids could stay"

"I call Jackson and see if we can stay with him for the night" Jai said pulling out his phone

Jackson said we could stay for as long as we wanted. Him and his mum picked us up and we went starlight to there house and we to bed. I could hardly sleep because my body was still in shock about what happened.

"Candice are you okay" Jai said giving me a hug

"No I'm not okay I can't sleep"

"It's alright come here I'll keep you safe"

I crawled into Jai's arms, he was right he did keep me safe because I fell asleep in minutes. I knew that nothing bad would ever happen to me with his protection.


"Good morning get a good sleep" Jai said walking into the kitchen where I was standing

"Yeah I'm okay now, I rang the police and they clean up the house so we can head back there" I said

"Well that's good, are we still going to the hotel" He said putting his arms around my waist

"Yeah, Olivia is going to stay with Sam for a few days and I booked us longer at the hotel" I said giving him a kiss

"What about your family, so they know everything that has happened"

"Yeah I called them this morning and told them everything, they just hope that we are alright and that we stick together"

Could It Be ∞ Jai Brooks • Book 1Where stories live. Discover now