Chapter 30

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9 Months Later

Candies POV

"One more push darling" My midwife Pearl said "Come on take a deep breath and push for me"

"I can't do this" I cried in pain "It hurts too much" I cried again

"Babe it's fine, I'll get you some water" Jake said

"Shut up Jake and come over here" I yelled at him

"Alright I can see the baby's head, I need one last push" Pearl said "Alright on 3, 1..2..3"

"Ahhhhh" I screamed in pain

And in a matter of seconds my baby was born, it was the most beautiful site a mother could see. A gorgeous baby being brought into the world I couldn't be more happier in those moments.

"Congratulations Candice" Peal said wrapping my baby up "It's a little baby girl" She said handing me here

"She's beautiful" I said holding her close to my body "Jake look at her" I said looking into his eyes

"She's adorable, just like you" Jake said

"You guys are going to make perfect parents" Pearl said "Do you guys ave any names for her"

"You pick babe" Jake said to me taking the baby girl out of my hands

"Alexandria Isabela Beckham" I said

"That's beautiful babe" Jake said

She was the best thing that has ever happened to me, I couldn't be prouder. I was going to be rasing a little girl, she is going to grow up living an amazing life.

"Pearl com with me please" Jake said "I'll be back in a moment babe"

Jake's POV

"Your baby girl is adorable, you must be happy" Pearl said

"Yes I'm very grateful, but anyway I can't let you live any longer" I said

"What why, don't hurt me I won't tell anyone about Candice" She said walking backwards

"You already know to much about our lives, you have to go"

"No\o please don't do this" We Pearls last words before I shoot her in the leg then chest, I had no regret about doing it. It was just another day of living the life I chose.

"Alright it's done take her body somewhere" I told Brad

"Okay" He replied

"Why did you kill her for" Candice said as I walked into her room

"Because she knew to much, and if she told the police where you are, I would go to jail"

"And so would Faith and Brad" She said shaking her head "Just let me have some space, pass me my diary and take Alexandria too meet Faith and Brad but don't let them touch her you understand me"

"Alright, you don't have to be so bossy"

"Jake she's my daughter, I need to make sure know harm comes to her"

"Okay, okay I understand" I said taking Alexandria out of the room

Candice's POV

I opened to the last page I wrote on and re read the last words saying '2 more day's and I will never have to see her again' I turned the page over and started writing.

My beautiful baby girl was born 20 minutes ago, she's the cuties thing I have ever seen. I would give my whole life up for her, she is my everything. I named her Alexandria after my great great grandmother, I used Isabela after Jake's name and used his last name, even though we aren't married or anything his last name suited Alexandria's name better than my last name. I can't wait until Jake finally kills Faith and Brad, it's getting closer everyday. I'm still surprised how they haven't figured it out or anything, I mean Brad is never home and Faith has been at Jai's most of the time. They have been having fights lately which i hate because she will come home and bitch about him to me which pisses me off. She has a go at home the other day all because he tweeted Ariana say 'Oh my god I love you so much' like seriously I wouldn't even of cared like it's not like he's dating Ariana because she hardly know he exists. Oh well once shes out of Jai's picture he can date Ariana for all I care. We still don't know how we are going to tell them Faith died we will probably say she got into a car crash, then we will dump her body in the ocean and pretend we got her ashes.

Faith's POV

"Your little baby's cute" I said to Candice

"Thanks but don't touch her"

"Don't wary Jake already told me not too" I said as she put her book away "I got her some baby clothes as a gift" I said giving her the clothes from a bag

"Why would you do that don't you hate me"

"Not really anymore, the more time we spend together the closer we grow"

"Okay then"

"Do you need rest or anything"

"No I will be fine, if I need anything Jake will just get it for me"

"Is he like your bitch now"

"I guess so"

"Okay I'm going to Jai's house, Bradly is going drinking so your suck with Jake but you can always kick him out" I said walking out of her room "And don't call me unless there is a fire or something important "

"Alright bye"

Hope you guys liked that chapter, I really want over 450 before my next chapter so please make that happen, I have a few more chapters left of this book and then an epilogue,
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