Chapter (1)

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I'm Jessy Parker. I'm a 12th grader, and I'm Rodger High's geek, nerd I'm not and popular I'm not, I don't freakin study all day and night even though I get highest grades in school, I'm a technology freak and I don't really get along with the popular cliques which makes me a typical GEEK, even though I wear hoodies and jeans, and it doesnt really mater for me . I'm not really a fan of high school because basically , if you are not a member of the popular cliques (in my case its either the school's football team with their cheerleaders or the school's Misters & Misses popular, and I'm not a big fan of both .), you won't really find much to do, except for studying, maybe . And believe me, even smart people hate studying, even more than anyone else, to make it easier for you I'm simply just me.

This morning I was woken up by the sound of a heavy truck that seemed to be unloading stuff. I was very tired, so I didn't even bother to go check what was going on. I just stayed in my soft, fluffy, simply the most comfortable queen sized bed on earth.

A couple of hours later, I woke up and decided to take My gorgeous Rottweiler Roxy out for a walk .

We were on our way to the park, when suddenly Roxy started going insane. She started barking ,running and pulling me after her. "Roxy wait!! Wait!!" I yelled loudly at her. The next thing I knew was that I bumped hard into someone and was on the floor.

The person that I bumped into reached out his hand to me and helped me up , when I was finally on my feet again, I couldn't help but stare at the person right before my eyes.

He was a very (lets just say that handsome wasn't enough, maybe charming suits him better) guy who seemed to be about my age ,it was a bit awkward I haven't seen him around before , he had deep grey eyes, icey white skin and very dark smooth black hair. I wasn't able to say a single word , I was literally speachless that I couldn't even say sorry , the only thing I was able to do was gaze into his mysterious grey shaded eyes.

"Are you ok??" he finally asked breaking the silence.

"Oh!! Yeah...... Thank you!!" I said snapping out of it.

"It seems like your dog likes coins." he said grinning while looking at Roxy that was really enjoying herself while playing with a coin a couple of meters away (I have no idea how did she even see it from that far).

"She likes anything shiny!!" I commented " Anyway, I'm really really sorry about what had just happened !!"

"Don't worry about it. I think you should go check the coin out. It might be a lucky one."He said winking with a smile on his face(lets just say that it was the most adorable smile that I've ever seen im my entire whole life) .

I picked up the coin and faced it head's up as I put it back in it's place . "I hope that the person who finds it next will be a lot luckier than I am." I said smiling ,then I walked over to Roxy grabbing her by the collar and walking away.

I reached the park still confused about what had happened, like really me bumping into the gorgeous guy, I really need to stop thinking.

I found an empty bench infront of the lake. I sat there , loosened Roxy so she was free to move around, and started reading the book I brought with me.

I was really concentrating in the book when I heard foot steps coming closer to me. I quickly looked at where the sound was coming from. I was completely stunned. It was HIM. That guy I just bumped into a few minutes ago.

"Would you mind if I sit??" he said pointing towards the empty space beside me.

"Sure..." I said in a shocked voice as I nodded slightly .

"It seems like you like reading." he said trying to start a conversation.

"yeah... yeah...I really love it, it's my obsession actually. " I informed.

"So, what kinda stuff do you like reading??"

"I like reading all sorts of books."

"Well, that's kinda awkward." he said, but I didn't say anything in response as I went back to my dream world , the book.

After a while of silence he started talking again " Do you live around here??" he asked.

"yeah..."I replied.

"I just moved here this morning."he Informed.

"Aha!!That's why it's the first time for me seeing you around." it finally clicked.

"So where exactly do you live??" he asked curiously.

"Block 16"

"REALLY?!... I just moved to block 15." he said seeming very surprised.

"So, it was you that was making all the noise this morning."I said a bit teasingly as if confirming it in my head.

"I guess so ..Sorry if it disturbed you."

"No, don't worry about it. I'm used to it. People move in and out alot around here." I stated "Well I have to go now. I have loads of studying to do." I said hooking Roxy's collar and walking away.

"Wait!! I forgot to ask!! What's your name??" He asked loudly.

"It's Jessy...Jessy Parker" I said as I tilted my head around a little.

"And I'm Harry... Harry Adams..... Hope I see ya around." he said shouting from behind me. I was already at the park exit.


well I know um just a beginner but this is my first story and obviously my first chapter.... I really hope you like it. plzzz Vote ,Comment and Turn on to the next chapter (VCT) ...Thank you.

I dedicate this chapter to @xLovEtoLivEx for making me the awesome trailer on the right.

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Jessy -------->

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