Chapter (7)

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"Welcome, countess!!" Joe bowed sarcastically opening the main entrance to his house.

I went in and started looking around me. His house looked so beautiful. It was a modern villa with a huge garden that has over a hundred diffrent types of flowers and a huge pool . It was breath taking, I'm obsessed with modern !!

When I stepped into the front door, I saw Emma in the kitchen.

"Hi dearies!!" Emma greeted us.

"Hi Emma!!"I said greeting her back.

Emma and mum didn't like people calling them by their second names. They always wanted to feel young. That's why I never imagined Joe to be Emma's son.

"Mum !! I told you to stop treating me like a kid." Joe said angrily.

"You'll always be my beloved child." she said teasingly.

I started to look around the villa. Their house was ultra-modern but it still felt cozy. While I was looking around, I couldn't help but stare at the new 55" 3D smart TV. Technology was my one and only biggest weakness in this world. I couldn't live without it, I'm just obsessed!!

Joe and I sat on the big round white sofa. I sat as far away from him as possible. It was really quiet and none of us said a word. It was getting really awkward. Especially because I felt Joe staring at me the entire time. I think he was expecting me to say something about his luxurious house.

."I'm sure both of you are very hungry. Come, I've prepared lunch for you." Emma said breaking the silence.

We headed over to the kitchen where a big pot of lasagna sat on a square glass table on the far end of the enormous room.

I sat and immediately started eating like a maniac. I loved lasagna a lot, and this was the best I've ever had in my entire life.

"This is the best lasagna ever." I told her sincerely.

"Yeah, my mum is the best cook." Joe grinned. I've never seen him smile like that before. He looked like a different person.

"Yeah, I can tell." I replied finishing my piece of lasagna.

I could see Emma blushing when she heard our compliments.


After we finished eating we went straight to our project. Or to be more precise, I went straight to it.

"Will you stop staring at me like that?! Make yourself useful!!" I said to Joe angrily.

"Didn't you want to do the project alone anyways?! So here you go. Knock yourself out. What's the use anyway?! you're not leaving anything for me to do." He said with his smirk back on his face.

"At least go get me the laptop."

"Okay." he said getting up.

He came back with his laptop. Oh My God! It's the newest MAC book. I've always wanted to get it.

"Here you go!!" He said handing it to me.

I immediately opened it and started working.

"Would you mind if I downloaded some programs on here?! We're going to need them for the project."

"Do whatever you want." he said obviously not caring less if I smashed the whole thing.

Three hours later.....

"You're really good with computers , aren't you?! " Joe stated.

"I guess."

"This is why they call you a geek, then" he said teasingly.

"Jerk" I muttered. What he said was actually true this is why people keep calling Sue and I geeks. We are really skilled with computers plus we get top grades. But actually hearing someone call you that was really annoying.

"Is there a problem, countess??" he asked teasingly.

"No. I just think this is enough for today." I said feeling very tired.

"Okay, as you like." he said carelessly.

I packed my stuff, and went to where Emma sat in the living room. "We're done Emma. I'll be going now."

"Why don't you stay and watch a movie with me?? Joe will be going out in a while. I don't want to stay alone." she said looking at me hopefully.

"But I told mum I'll be there at 7 and it's 6:45 already!!"

"Don't worry about your mum ,I'll let her know. Joe can drop you off once he gets back."

"I need to call her first!!"

"I'll call her now." she said picking up the phone.

She was on the phone with mum for 10 minutes now. This could last the entire night. Thank God tomorrow is the weekend.

"I'm leaving now ,mum!!" Joe Said heading towards the door.

"Okay. Take care!!" she shouted back at him as he left.

She hung up the phone then looked back at me. "Your mum said it's Okay. So don't worry.....let's go pick out a movie to watch now." she said heading towards a cupboard.

My mouth dropped the moment she opened the cupboard. There were about a million movies in there.


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:) you never know what will happen, until you move onto the next chapter, it's special ;) (VCT)

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