Chapter (2)

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I woke up this morning and started getting ready for school, I opened my closet, and took out a random hoodie and a pair of jeans ,then ran the brush through my hair and put it into a ponytail, I was ready in a minute as usual , since I never really cared about my looks in school .

"MACK!! " I shouted pulling my bag which was on my desk.

"yes ,sis."he shouted back.

"I'll be leaving in two minutes. I don't want to be late for school."I said firmly going down the stairs then heading towards the door.

" just one more minute, Jess" Mack Shouted, I sighed in response,

Mack is my younger brother and I so freakin love him but he enjoys pissing me off more than anything in this entire whole world. I can't really get why does he spend all that time preparing for school, he's only 8 and I don't think he needs to impress anyone . He stares at himself in the mirror way more than I do, it just wouldn't click.

"Mack I'm leaving!!" I shouted after taking a glance at the time.

"Ok Jess. I'm coming ." he said his voice sounding distant. He was probably still in his room.

We walked to school and I dropped him off on my way.

"Okay. So here we are . Enjoy your time." I said feeling relieved that I would be able to reach school on time.

"Okay. Bye sis." he said waving with a huge grin on his face, I waved back and continued my walk to school.

After about 5 minutes I was finally there .

I walked into Rodger High's hallway. Nobody noticed me of course since, I'm the type of person who prefers being lonely or having only a friend or two rather than having a huge amount fake friends , since my best friend, Demi left last year and went to Paris (Tell me how lucky she is.)

I headed towards my locker to check my schedule, and took my physics books out, when all of a sudden I heard someone shouting. "JESS!! JESS!! ...Jessyy!!"

Isn't that Linda's voice? I thought to myself. Linda used to be my only friend in school since Demi had left. But she rarley came to school, that left me alone with no one to hang out with. But lucky me this year I'm friends with the new comer Suzy, who turned out to an amazing person.

"Lil, is that really you??" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I kinda felt bored today, so I thought why not go to school?" she teased.

"Seriously ,I don't know how on earth your parents leave you like this." I stated with a questioning tone. "Anyway, I have physics now. You know how much I love it, and how much I hate being late to class." I said starting to walk towards my class room.

"You are the weirdest person alive, Jessy!!"Linda commented.

"I know." I said shouting over my shoulder with a grin.

I took a look at my watch, I had only 5 minutes left for class to start and I'm not really the type who prefers being late . So I started moving faster down the hall as I was texting Suzy to ask her where was she, when suddenly bumped into a wall. All my stuff was scatterd all over the floor. "I'm going to be late for class. " I mumbled to myself under my breath starting to collect my stuff, when I saw somebody's legs right infront of me , so I actually bumped into someone , a guy actually.

An arm was reached out, and some papers and books were handed to me,."you dropped all your stuff.either you calm down or look infront of you!!" I looked up in surprise to find Joe Clarks' popular smirk, I couldn't really understand what's going on with me bumping these days.

Joe is the school's Mr. Popular I never got the chance to know him but who cares anyway he never interested me anyways, plus I can't really understand if he is the one who goes after girls, or girls go after him. Every time I see him he's with a different one.

He might be good looking , but I don't really understand why girls are so obsessed with him . He's probably a jerk like any other popular guy.

" Thank you !!" I said with a slight grin taking the rest of my stuff from him, then quickly ran off to class.


Fifteen minutes passed with no sign of Suzy. I started getting worried about her ,she was never late to school and she didn't answer my text , suddenly the door was flung open. And yes it was Suzy!!! I was so happy; I wanted to get out of my seat and dance.

"Sorry I'm late." Suzy said out of breath.

"Since this is your first time being late, I'll allow you to come in Miss Jones. But this better be the first and last time" Mr. Grey said strictly.

"Thank you Mr. Grey. I Promise it'll never happen again." Suzy sighed feeling relieved, then headed towards the empty desk that was right next to me.

"Sue, where have you been??I was really worried about you." I whispered to her.

"You won't believe what just happened to me Jess! I'll tell you later." she whispered back, then we both turned our heads to the board.


After the school was over, Suzy decided to walk me till Mack's school so we could be able to talk.

"Sue why were you late in the morning?! I was really freakin worried about you!!" I said in a worried tone.

"I don't know what to do with you worrying all the time, Jess." Suzy said laughing. "Guess what?! On my way to school this morning I ran into ALEX!!." she said sounding very exited.

"ALEX!!...You mean Alex James??" I asked in a surprise.

"Exactly. And guess what?!...He asked me if we could meet in the library tomorrow so we could study math together!!" she said in excitement.

Suzy is obsessed with boys. Every day she has a different crush. I wonder how that is even possible.

"WOW!! Sue that's great!!" I said in excitement" It seems like I'll be spending the weekends all alone." I added slightly disappointed at the thought.

"Well, here's Mack's school. I guess I'll see you next Monday." I said waving at Suzy as she walked away.


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well I know it's weird but I'm dedicating this chapter to @locahippy guys this girl made my day two days in a row, so I decided that the only way I can repay her is by dedicating a chapter to her ,thank you ♥♥♥

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