1~Not Just A Walk In The Park Today

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A/N: Hey I really ship Halsey and Lynn Gunn and I don't think a lot of other people do... But they should. And if you've never heard the song Roman Holiday by Halsey, it's up there^

*Lynn's POV*

It started when I was laying in the park, like I did every Friday since... Well as long as I can remember. The New Jersey sky was dark, but the clouds still shone the pinkish-orange hue that revealed the beginning of fall; very unlike the sky in Massachusetts, which I hadn't set foot in since my 19th birthday. That was over two years before this day. I was 21, I should be out with my friends, drinking all I could before my liver failed, but no. Instead my back was being poked with needles of grass, my notebook on my stomach, thinking my life couldn't get any worse. Hell, was I wrong. I closed my eyes for a minute, taking in the breeze. And then...


I looked around; it was gone. But then I close my eyes again.

Is that... Panic! At The Disco? What the fuck?

It gets closer as I continued to stare at the sky. Then footsteps. And finally, my notebook, along with my stomach, gets stepped on. A sort of "oof" sound leaves me as a gasp left the culprit.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I-"

"No, no it's okay..." I had been looking at my stomach, but then I actually saw her face. The pastel pink hair immediately caught my eye. Then her sparkling eyes, then her freckles. I couldn't find anything bad about her, except maybe her clumsiness.
"I heard you singing a Panic! At The Disco song, you like them?" Her sparkle spheres widened.

"'Like' isn't precise enough of a word to describe it; I've seen them over 10 times, I'm a bit obsessive. That's why I was distracted. Sorry again for that."

"It's cool. I'd been needing to go on a diet, and that just made my stomach a little flatter, thanks." We both laughed, then she joined me on the grass.

"Do you come to the park often?" She asked me.

"Every Friday." I nodded. "What about you?"

"Whenever I feel inspired, usually. This is my ideal writing spot. I'm guessing it's yours too?" She pointed her head at my notebook and again, I nodded.
"Great, so I'm not crazy. Can I have your number or something so we can talk about our writing later?"

"Yeah sure." I tore out a page from the book, ripped it in half, and we wrote our information and exchanged it. After we had a way of communication, the newly found stranger got up and left.

I could tell that this girl would cause trouble without even meaning to. I could also tell that she had a loving spirit and hated to see anything turn out badly for anyone, even someone she had accidentally stepped on. But what I knew the most was that she was a fighter. If she put her mind to anything, she could even make Hell freeze over. Her kind was the type that sent me crashing down, the reason that made me (technically) homeless. Yeah I had a place to stay, but it didn't feel like home. Home was where the heart is and honestly, I don't know where my heart belonged anymore.

*Halsey's POV*

"Hey, I'm home." I said to no one in particular; they never listened anyway. Too busy fighting while the TV cut out and turned into audible snow, white noise. Apparently someone forgot to pay the cable bill again.

Great, another thing to prevent the end of their bickering.

I trudged to my room to find my youngest brother, Dante, on my bed, his knees to his chest in a sort of organic ball of flesh, blood, and clothes. He had my vinyl record spinning softly, barely tuning out the voices but soft enough that he wouldn't be yelled at or— heaven forbid— the disc being shattered, for playing it too loudly to their standards. I wish I could say I'm exaggerating. I stretched my arms and walked towards him, wrapping them around his hoodie as I sat down and suddenly felt selfish for going to the park before checking to see if Sevian— my oldest brother— was home too.

"Did you see the bottle on the floor?" He asked.

"You mean there was only one this time?" I sadly chuckled. Dante shook his head.

"This one was broken, the pieces are everywhere. Dad banged it on the table. It was so loud." Tears welled up in his eyes. He was only a 5th grader, he shouldn't have to deal with this; then again, no one should. I placed a small kiss on his head.

"It'll be ok. So how was school?" I asked, trying to change the subject, a weak smile lighting up my face.

"Good. I only got 3 words wrong on my spelling test and Jack gave me a cookie at lunch. How was your park time?" Before I had the chance to answer that question, the front door opened and shut again, and by the softness of it, I knew Sevian was finally home. Disappointed, I walked to the hall to meet him.

"Don't tell me, the 'grocery store' again? I'm tired of your fucking excuses, Sevian, Dante was here alone."

"No he wasn't."

"Do you think we can leave him here with these people by himself? I swear the next time you do it, you won't like the outcome." Yes I'm aware that I sound like a strict parent, but I don't have a choice. I'm not going to let my little brothers deal with this alone. I peeked my head through my bedroom door.
"Come on, we're going to get some food."

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