4~Dust Wun Away

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to @bmthaf for voting for 2 chapters. don't be afraid to interact, comment, vote, whatever😊👍🏼

*Lynn's POV*

Tuesday came quickly, and the 2 day gap between our last conversation was driving me a little less than crazy, if you couldn't already guess. The only reason I wasn't gnawing on my couch yet was that we had set up a date to "hang out". That and although Babitchski was a great guy and loved me to death, he probably would have shoved my ass through his gauges if I fucked up his furniture.

I drove to the mall at least 45 minutes early, then proceeded to watch Netflix on my phone in the food court, silently thanking God that there was free wifi coming from the Apple Store nearby. Someone bumped into me, I'm assuming by accident, which caused me to look up. A few yards away, the pastel hair was matched with a beanie of the same shade, and both bobbed up and down as its owner carried on a conversation... With a cute blonde. a cute, obviously dyed blonde boy.

Oh fuck, she's straight. At least if it was a girl, I might have had a chance.

So I speedwalked out of there like a coward.

*Halsey's POV*

"You can't get me to believe that you've never asked anyone else that before."

"Well you seem more likely to spot them." Despite not even starting my first day on the job, I had already made friends with one of my coworkers.

"Just because I'm from New Jersey doesn't mean I've met My Chemical Romance. But I think I saw the Jonas Brothers walking down the street once."

"No fucking way." I nodded. "Bullshit. It was probably someone else."

"Two curly haired dudes and another one with straightened hair, who else would it be?"

"Damn it, you're right." I laughed. "Well, I'll let you go meet your friend. See you Monday, Ashley."

"Please don't call me that. I don't like the reason why I have that name."

"Then what should I call you?"

"You can call me... Anytime. Bye." He cracked up laughing as I walked to a table and pulled out my phone.

1 new voicemail. *click*

"Hey, it's Lynn. I'm in the food court, come out here when you're done."

I didn't see her at any of the tables or restaurants.

*ring* *ring*  -  *beep*

She... Hung up. I tried to think of the possibilities, but not many came to mind. I hated to come to this conclusion, but I think I had been stood up.

*Lynn's POV*

"I'm tho tupid. Why did I dust wun away? And then I hung up? What ith wrong with me?"

"You sound like a 5 year old when your face is in the sofa."

"Well I feel like a dumbaff and it's so comfyyy."

"Why did you ditch her anyway?"

"Thee waf taki to a boy."

"Are you sure she liked this boy?"

"The converthaton theemed pretty light, but they looked happy. I know the guy, he workth at Hot Topic."

"Why was she talking to him?"

"Alekth, I don't fucking know-" I lifted my head and smacked myself in the face. "The job interview. Shit." Alex snorted.

"You're right, you are a dumbass."

"And evidently you're a smartass." I stuck my middle finger in his face.

*Halsey's POV*

The bell jingled when I opened the door.

"Brian, she stood me up. Happy now?"

"Awww poor you, grab a bucket of ice cream from the freezer."

"I'd rather not binge on treats until my mouth goes numb. You could have just told me she was an ass, why didn't you?"

"Lynn wasn't an ass the last time I checked, maybe she's changed."

"I don't know. Lynn left me a message on my phone saying she was in the food court, when I got done with my interview, I talked to my new co-worker, Kye, went to the court, and she was gone."

"Ooh, Kye..." Brian smirked at me like an elementary schooler about to sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G thing.

"Yeah, he's kinda cute."

"Damn it... Of course that's why."


"Lynn must have seen you talking to Kye so she ran off."

"Is Kye an ex or something? Did she think I was leading him on?"

"No, and probably. I wasn't trying to tell you that she was an ass earlier. You heard how awkward she was about asking you to go to the mall and how she emphasized 'just friends' a little too much. Lynn's gay, and I think you just broke her heart."

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