Chapter One

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It was Saturday. Or maybe it was Sunday. Whatever the day was, it was super late and dark outside. Since your friend that works at the same restaurant as you, iHop, was sick, you took her night shift as well as you evening shift. You were very tired, not even sure what the time was, and if you just leaned over the slightest you would collapse and fall asleep. 

But luckily, at night there are not that many costumers, which was usual, of course. There was only a dad and her daughter, who was about to leave, and a group of 4 men talking and laughing loudly. Seeing that none of the waiters had taken their order, you walked over to the group with 4 menus in hand.

When you reached the table, you said, "Hi, welcome to iHop. My name is (Y/N), and I'll be your server today." You tried to sound enthusiastic, but it was late, and you were close to falling asleep. You stood up a little straighter. "What would you like to drink?"

Three of them said a coke, and one of them said goat milk, which was quickly changed to milk. Odd, you thought, but I can't judge people right off the bat. You got the drinks a little bit slower than usual, which was normal since it was in the middle of the night. You put the drinks on the tray, and was ready to carry them, but something fell out of your pocket. 

You picked the thing up, and took a quick look at it. It was a Steve Minecraft key chain, from one of the mystery boxes on the internet. Minecraft was your favorite video game, mainly because you could be creative and have the challenge of PvP without buying two million games and learning all these different controls.

Stupid pockets. Too small to even hold this! You pushed the key chain as far as you could down the pocket, and carried the drink tray over to the table. You set the drinks down on the coasters in front of each person.

"Are you ready to order?" You asked, holding the tray by your side.

"Um, are you guys ready?" Said one of the four to the group, even though you couldn't understand his accent well (most likely from it being late at night).

"No," said the one with the black hair and purple jacket. He turned to you and said "Maybe five more minutes."

"Okay," you replied. You started to walk back to the back room with the chefs, but someone stopped you on the way. 

"Hey!" You turned around and saw one of the four people from the group walking toward you. 


 "Is this yours?" He said, holding out the Minecraft key chain, the one you stiffed onyour pocket earlier.

"Um," you murmured. You took a closer look at it, then realized it was yours.

"Oh, yeah!" You said as you took it out of his hands. "My pockets are small, so this figure keeps falling out," you said, smiling. "Thanks!"

"No problem," the man said. "So, you like Minecraft?"

"Yeah, I've been playing the PC version for a while now. I have only just got the mobile one recently," you replied.

"Cool! The guys and I actually play Minecraft together and we each have a YouTube channel. Wait, have you heard of a YouTube channel called SkyDoesMinecraft?"

You stood there, thinking for a moment. You haven't watched YouTube in a month now, your job got in the way. But the a little light bulb flicked, and it lit up.

"Oh yeah! I haven't watched h-" You cut yourself off, just only realizing what this guy looks like. "Wait a moment."

He just stood there grinning.

"You're Sky, er, Adam, right?"You asked, slightly freaking out inside.


You stood there, blushing faintly. You finally met the person who got you into Minecraft, sort of like your cyber world idol! You tried to hid you excitement, but this felt like a rush of caffeine at 2 in the morning.

You calmed down a bit. "That's so awesome!" You exclaimed.

"I know, right? Anyway, I also came here to tell you that we're ready for our food."

You both walked back to the table, and he sat down.

"So, what would you like to eat?

After a bit, you walked back to the kitchen to tell the chef their orders.

"What do we have?" One of the chefs asked, finishing up a snack for himself.

"Um, two normal stacks pf pancakes, one blueberry, one chocolate, a waffle, and one, um, goat milk waffles with eggs?" You replied.

The chef looked at you with an odd look.

You looked at your notebook again. "With apples."

"We'll just say that it has goat milk."

"Okay." You started cleaning the table of the dad and daughter from ealrier.

"Hey, Waitress Lady!" You turned around and saw Adam calling for you.

You quickly finished cleaning the table, then walked over to the table. After about 30 minutes or so, you guys already exchanged names (Skype names too), and started telling about themselves. Of course, you replied by telling them about yourself.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, " you replied, brushing back a stand of hair.

"Wanna play Minecraft with us later this week?"

You stood there, a little shocked for a moment. "I-I love to!" You managed. You saw that their food was ready.

"I'll be right back," you said, walking over to get the food. You placed them all on the tray, carried them over to the group, and placed the plates down.

"Your shift is over, (Y/N)!" One of the table seaters (those people who see how many people there are, and seat you at your table) said.

"Okay!" You replied.

You started talking some more with the group, but they were all getting tired, and of course wanted to leave, so you started getting ready too.

You changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants and you grabbed you drawstring bag. You started walking out the door, and saw Adam standing there.

"Oh, hi," you said.

"Hey. Wanna play Minecraft tomorrow? At noon?"

"Um, sure!"

"Alright then, see ya later!"

"Bye!" You both walked out the door and went seperate ways. You looked at your watch, and it said 4:00 AM.

Okay!  You thought. You're going to play your favorite game with your  video game idol. No pressure.

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