1. The Last Day Of School

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{Ariana's POV}

Ugh, it's finally the last day of school. I'm so happy next year will be my final year in high school. Don't get me wrong, I love high school, but I hate all the drama that comes with it.

As I was walking to my locker I see Justin Bieber. He slipped something into my locker. Justin is a long time friend, but we haven't talked in a long time. We were really close until sophomore year, when he became really popular.

As I opened my locker I see an invitation saying *Come to my party tomorrow at 7 PM. Drinks allowed, if you know what I mean*

I knew he would do something like this. throw a party, drink, and probably have sex. I remember him telling me he wasn't going to be a player or have sex until he had a really good relationship with a girl. I guess things change. I miss talking to Justin everyday after school. Even though we're neighbors, he doesn't get home till late so I never get to talk to him.

{Justin's POV}

I'm so excited for tomorrow. I'm throwing a huge party and the entire junior class is invited. I slipped all the invitations into the junior lockers and hope everyone goes to their locker. After all, we still all have our stuff in there. I finally run into Ariana's locker, I remember this locker in 9th grade. We would hang out here before school and eat our breakfast. She would always bring me breakfast since I never had time to get my own. She is the bestest friend anyone could ask for, but we haven't talked since the summer after freshman year. I miss her

I snapped myself out of my thoughts, and slipped the note in her locker and leave as quickly as possible since the bell just rang for school to start. I hate how we still have to do stuff on the last day of school, we're only in for about three hours anyways.

(in math class)

I walk into math class and go sit by my friends, Ryan and Chaz. They aren't my best friends, Ariana is, but I hang out with them because they made me popular. I see Ariana walk in holding the invitation. I waved to her and she waved back. She motioned me to walk over to her

A: Hey.
J: Hey
A: So this party, is it formal or casual or?
J: It's casual, but I'm renting a huge pool so bring your swimsuit.
A: Okay, um, did you invite any of my friends by any chance?
J: Of course, the whole junior class is invited, even the nerds. And the only friend you need at the party is me.
A: Wow okay pretty boy. I'll see you there then.

I wanted to talk to her more since she doesn't really talk in math but for some reason, even though I could think of a million things to say to her, I just couldn't get the sound out. I wish I could've said something.

{Ariana's POV}

I wish Justin hasn't left. I really wanted to talk to him, but I think he didn't want to talk to me. I miss Justin a lot, so of course I would go to his party even though I would be the only sober one there.

Finally the last bell rang and I ran to my friend Liz.

A: Did you get Justin's invitation to his party?
L: Yeah I did and I really wanna go
A: Oh good, me too. I'll see you tomorrow before the party. Stop by house to get ready though and bring your cutest bikini.
L: Why do I have to bring my cutest bikini?
A: Because Justin told me he's renting a pool.
L: Oh perfect. It's gonna be so hot tomorrow. Well I'll see you later I have to go. I'll text you if I can
A: Ok see you tomorrow.

I hope you guys like this story. I've been shipping Ariana and Justin for such a long time.
Hope y'all enjoy this story

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