5. The Party

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{Ariana's POV}

Once I went home, I went upstairs and saw my mom sitting on her bed reading a book.

A: Hey mom.
Jo: Hey sweetie. Where have you been?
A: Oh I was helping Justin set up his party.
Jo: Party? Are you going to the party?
A: Well I was planning to.
Jo: Ariana! We were supposed to have a movie night tonight! This is the only night I have off for a long time.
A: Oh my gosh I totally forgot. How about after?
Jo: No, don't worry about it. Next time though.
A: Ok mom. So what are you gonna do while I'm at the party?
Jo: Probably go see a movie with your brother.
A: Frankie's here?
Jo: He's coming later and he'll be staying with us for a week.
A: Yes!! Okay well I'm gonna go get ready now. I'll come say bye before I leave.

I went to the bathroom and touched up my curls and my makeup. Then I put on a white crop top and a baby blue skater skirt and paired it with my white vans.

I walked over to Justin's house about 10 minutes after the party started. When I walked it there was already over 80 people in the house and half of them were already drunk. I tried to find Justin or some of my other friends but I couldn't find anyone. I sat down and went on my phone. I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Justin.

J: Hey best fraand.
A: Hey.
J: You look AMAZING!
A: Haha, thanks you don't look to bad either.

I could tell I was blushing and I hid my face. But I have to admit, Justin looked really good.

After we were talking and laughing for a little Selena came up to us and kissed Justin without him knowing what really happened.

S: Well if it isn't little Ms. Grande
A: Hey Selena
I gave her a fake smile. She knows I hate her.
S: Justin baby, can we talk alone?
J: Yeah sure, I'll talk to you later Ariana.
A: Yeah, talk to you later.

I decide to follow them because, being Justin's best friend and the worst enemy of Selena I thought I should know if anything juicy happens.

I put my ear to the door of Justin's room and listened away.

{Justin's POV}

I take Selena to my room so we can talk in private. To be honest, I don't know what's about to happen

J: So what's up ?
S: I need to tell you something.
J: Fire away
I laughed but she didn't find it cute.
S: Justin, I'm breaking up with you.
I heard a gasp but I'm not sure what it was.
J: I don't understand. Why did you kiss me down there?
S: Because I felt like it. But anyways you're probably wondering why.
J: Yeah I am.
S: Well, next year is our senior year and I already have someone to date for senior year.
J: So you already found a new guy that you're sorta dating and you're pretty much saying that you've been cheating on me?
S: Well, if you wanna put it like that.
J: So why were you blowing up over Ariana helping me with the party?
S: Because you were still my boyfriend when she was helping you set up.
J: Selena, we've been together for two years and you're just dropping me?
S: Don't worry about it. Now you can finally date Grande.
I heard a gasp again.
J: What are you talking about?
S: I know you like her. I'm doing you a favor Justin.
J: Whatever. You're a slut, you know that Selena?
S: Aw.
J: Just get out. Enjoy the party.

{Ariana's POV}

Once I heard Justin tell Selena to leave so I quickly ran away so they wouldn't know I was eaves dropping.

Once Selena went passed me I saw Justin go sit outside at the pool by himself. He seemed kinda sad so I went out there.

A: Hey.
J: Hey.
A: So what happened in there. You were in there for kind of a long time.
J: Well Selena broke up with me. I thought I would be happy, but for some reason, I'm kinda sad.
A: Why do you feel sad?
J: Because she was cheating on me!
A: I'm so sorry Justin.
J: I just don't understand.
A: Well if it makes you feel better I don't know why she would even think about cheating on you, I mean, look at you!
J: Thanks Ari.
A: No problem. Wanna go back in?
J: Actually not really. Can we just go for a walk or something.
A: Sure, wanna go get some donuts?
J: I'm down.

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