"The Freedom of Falling"

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Olivia and Dane just walked through the door. I was unpacking a box when I see them walk in. "I thought I heard you." Olivia smiles as she sees me, I didn't want to think that this was true but it was.

"Olivia, Dane." I greeted them for Dustin's sake but I couldn't deal with them today, not today.

"Do you guys want a drink?" I asked, as I headed into the kitchen, I heard them both respond in no, so I just walked out.

I headed towards the table, moving some things out the way. "Are you settling in alright?" Dane asked, I tried my best not to be mad, but Olivia cheated on my big brother, Dane should have know better, they both should've.

"It's been a breeze moving in, thanks for your help the other day." I smiled sitting down, as they followed suit. "Dustin should be here anytime soon." I cut Olivia off, I didn't know what to do, Dustin was better at communicating out of the two of us.

"How are you?" Olivia asked, I gave her a glare, like you could ask that right now, Olivia smiled sadly, and ran her hand through his hair.


"How long has this been going on?" Dusty asked, as he sat besides me.

"It started a year before Brie was born, but I ended it when I found out I was pregnant." My eyes widen. "I was still being sexually active with Brett I didn't know whose child Brie was."

"You lied, to my brother! You cheated on my brother." I shout, for the first time in a long time, I was not backing down. "Olivia he loved you!"

"Lucy we had an open marriage for nearly two years, we were struggling, we stayed together for two years for the sake of Jackson." Dustin and I looked at one another. "I loved Brett, we tried hard but we just weren't in love."

"Do you love Dane?" Dustin asked. "Are you still in love with Dane?"Dustin repeated, I had a grip on Dustin's arm, in anticipation.

"I always have, I'm not sure about Olivia." Dane admitted, we knew that.

"Yeah I do, it took me me a while but I still do." Olivia added, as she looked at me. "Lucy I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes, I wasn't dealing with this right now, Dustin knew what my feelings were.

"Don't apologise to me, but until you apologise to Brett and he forgives you, I might be able to do the same, but until then don't talk to me, either of you." Brett and Olivia were like my guideline, I looked up to them, they made me believe in love again. "i don't want to make this about myself, but you two almost made me believe in love again, but now I don't think love even exist." I shouted as I grabbed my books, phone and coffee before walking out the door, I was trying hard not to let my tears fall, as I heard my name being called.

"Lucy!" I slammed the door shut and headed onto campus, just trying to let my emotions calm down, before I heading into class.


"Please remember your assessments are due Friday at eleven fifty nine." Professor Maxina, reminded the class as she finished up for the lesson. Tommy and I sat besides one another in our group.

"How are you guys going with the assessment?" I was finding it very difficult.

"It's a little confusing." I agreed with Ryan, as we began picking up our stuff. "Which question did everyone choose?" Ryan continued.

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