Chapter 2: On The Road

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It took me a while to realise my surroundings. I was outside the store where I saw that man. I was curious. Where did he go? I looked toward Abbie who stared at me with a confused look. "What you thinking about?" She asked. "Nothing" I said a bit to quickly. I could tell she didn't believe me but I had other things to worry about.

Was that man dangerous? He saw my face. Was he looking for me? To kill me? These questions played over and over in my head until I heard what sounded like an engine. I looked at the direction the noise was coming and saw a delivery truck and a motorcycle. There seemed to be 4 people in the deliver truck from what I could see and a familiar looking redneck on the motorcycle.

The delivery truck drove past us and came to a complete stop. The redneck had now turned off his motorcycle and started walking toward us. I had not dared to look as I could hear his boots grinding against the concrete floor. I heard a southern accent coming from the delivery truck. "Are you bit?" a males voice asked. "No , my brother was yesterday but he didn't make it". I looked over at Abbie and could see the smallest tears slide down her cheek. She quickly wiped it before anyone could see , but she was in pain. So was I.

I still hadn't turned to look at the redneck. I could feel his stare at the back of my head but I quickly shook it off. The person who belonged to the southern accent came out of the delivery truck. He looked confident. "Where you heading?" he asked. I quickly answered "we don't know yet". He looked at me confused. The rest of his group came out from the delivery truck.

A blonde girl walked up to me. "The names Andrea" she said holding out her hand for me to shake. I hesitated but shook it out of respect. The southern guy came up to me with apologetic eyes. "I'm Rick" he announced. "I'm Ellie". They looked at me with wide eyes. I finally looked at the redneck and could see the shock inside of him. I was now completely confused. I told them my name. It's nothing special.

I look at my sister and said to everyone  "sorry this is my sister , Abbie". She gave them a small smile as that all the happiness she had in her.

Rick , who seemed like their leader invited us to come and stay at their camp. I looked over at my sister for any sign of agreement and she nodded . "Thank you" I pleaded. The redneck grunted as if he didn't want us there. Maybe it's his way of saying your welcome. We got to the delivery truck and Rick announced "we have a problem" I looked at him confused. He had a small smile on his lips. I could barely see it but it was there. "What" I asked concerned. "There's only room for one in the truck". My heart sank I couldn't get left behind. I couldn't leave my sister behind. "We can't go with you" his smile dropped. Before he could say anything I cut him off "I'm not leaving my sister behind , wherever I go , she goes". Rick started laughing. I had an odd look on my face and he noticed. "I meant , there's only room for one in the truck so one of you will have to ride with Daryl". Who the fuck was Daryl??

The redneck grunted. I walked over to him. "Daryl?" I asked in a whisper. "Yer" he said in a aggressive yet soothing way. "Guess I'm riding with you" I said. Daryl looked at me. And then it hit me. I gasped as he asked "what cat got your tongue". "I know you" I said. Everyone was now looking at me with wide eyes. I heard one of them say in a socked yet thrilled way "she recognises him" I ignored them not knowing what they were on about. He was now staring at me with his blue eyes which were also open wide. "I saw you in the grocery store yesterday , you saved me". Everyone let out a huge gasp of air and walked towards their transport.

I held on to Daryl feeling strange , but It also felt familiar and comforting. This redneck has a secret and I was going to find out what it was.

It was a long ride back on the road but then we came across a small camp. It contained about 16-17 people. I was nervous to meet them all but I was excited too. I soon jumped off Daryl's bike and could feel eyes on me. I looked up as everyone in the camp was staring at me with wide eyes. What was up with people doing that?

I walked over to the delivery truck leaving Daryl standing speechless. I had to check on my sister. Even though I was the youngest out of us two I felt like I was the oldest.

She was.... Smiling. I've never seen her have a smile so big on her face until before the world went to shit. I stepped back. She looked at me and quickly dropped her smile. I smiled at her but she didn't return it. I felt like I had just interrupted something. Between her and.... I couldn't see he person next to her as Rick was standing in the way. When Rick finally moved I saw.... Shane? Shane was one of the guys that was in the truck with Rick , Andrea and another guy named T-Dog.

I walked back to Daryl hoping for someone to talk to. I let out a sigh hoping he'd notice and say something. He didn't. I let out another sigh. Nothing. I decided not to sigh but cough instead. "Gees woman you sick or something" he asked looking confused. "No" I snapped. All I wanted was a bit of comfort but I obviously wasn't getting it from this redneck. That made me pissed. I gave him a glare. He seemed to enjoy it as the corners of his lips turned up. Why was this funny for him?

I've seen Daryl before. Before the grocery store. He looked so familiar. Where? That was the question. Where?

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