Chpater 37: Opening Up

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We walked outside slowly. We all had weapons. We knew this was war. Everyone was prepared except for Carl who was inside with Judith. Sophia was holding the gun she held to my head the time I found her. Everyone else had Guns except for me and Daryl. Daryl obviously had his crossbow. I had a shitty knife along with a grenade. I was only allowed to use it if it came down to it.

"Are you prepared to give up Michonne?" Phillip shouted form outside of the fence.
"We'd never give up one of our own" Rick yelled back. Phillip didn't bring the tank this time. I was confused. It would've been a good weapon to use against us. Something was wrong. Daryl looked over to me with the same look I had. He knew exactly what I was thinking because he was thinking the same. He looked back and Phillip. I felt a tingly feeling go through my body. Daryl was holding my hand.

I looked at him but he kept his vision straight.
"Let talk about it" I heard Rick yell to Phillip. Phillip agreed and they went to a shack next to the prison.
"They've been in there for two hours" I told Daryl.
"Ricks got this" he replied. I knew he meant it but I had trouble believing it. They finally came out and and Rick walked toward the prison. Phillip started leaving and I got instantly confused.
"What going on?" I asked Rick.
"He wants us gone tomorrow or he'll make us leave" he said. A pain of panic came over me and I grabbed Daryl's hand once again. He looked at me and saw my face turn white. He wrapped his arms around my waist and just held me. I started to cry. Daryl noticed and cupped my face with his hands. I started hyperventilating. He calmed me down and asked,

"Ellie! What's wrong?"

"People....People are going....going to die" I barely said. He looked at me confused. Phillip would do anything. I heard someone laugh. I turned to see Andrea. Is she fucking serious. I ran up to her and she instantly stopped when she saw me approach her. I knew Daryl agreed as he didn't stop me. I punched her right where I did the other day when she shot Daryl. This time I heard a crack. I didn't give a shit I just continued hitting her. All my anger was going towards her. I was hitting her harder each time my fist reached her face. She was yelling for help. Daryl stood there staring at me. He knew she had this coming,

I was pulled back soon after by Rick. "Jesus Ellie get off her" he said. Daryl was then holding Rick back trying to get him off me. "Don't touch er" Daryl said to Rick. Rick finally escaped Daryl's grasp and Andrea escaped mine. I thought I was going crazy. I looked at what I did to Andrea and widened my eyes.

"Andrea. I...." I couldn't speak.

"Ya had to" Daryl said to me holding my hand one again. "Come on lets get ya some water" he added. I nodded and we walked inside. Everyone else had followed and we were all now in the main room. Andrea walked past me and I looked at her apologetically. I went to talk to her before Daryl grabbed my arm and stared at me implying for me to sit back down. I did so and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I don't know what came over me. I really don't. How was I supposed to face her. No one had spoken to me since except for Daryl. Michonne had walked in last. I got up to talk to her.

"Michonne" I said. She turned and looked at me. "I just want you to know that we will fight. You're not going anywhere" i said. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back very awkwardly. I wasn't a people person.

It wasn't before long Rick came into the main room.
"Andrea will be fine. She's pissed off but she'll be fine. The governor wants us to fight. We are going to war" he announced. Everyone's eyes widened. I knew this would happen. Daryls grip tightened on my shoulder. He looked at me and whispered  ,

"Yer not goin anywhere". I believed him. I did , but something inside of me knew he was lying. Rick was still talking but I ignored him and just stared at Daryl. His features pulled me into a trance. I was just staring until I realised he was looking at me. I pulled away and heard him chuckle. I punched his arm playfully.

"What was tha for?" he asked.

"I know you were making fun of me in your head" I said laughing.

"Is tha so?" he said smirking. I nodded and looked at his eyes.

"God I love his eyes" I said not realising I said it out loud.

"I love yers to" he said. I was shocked. Did he just read my thoughts. Shit I said that out loud. I turned red and turned my face away from him. I was laughing quietly to myself. Rick was now staring at us.

"Ellie. Daryl. You got that?" he said. I looked at him blankly and just nodded. When Rick left I called Maggie over.

"What did he say?" I said laughing once again. She laughed with me and explained how me and Daryl were going with him to Woodbury. We were going to sneak in and find out what weapons they had and how many people they were using against us. I nodded in thanks to her and she left to check on Carl on Judith. Maggie had turned into the new Lori. She was practically Carl and Judith's mother and Rick was so thankful for that.

Its been hard on him since Lori died. He told Daryl once that he saw her standing in the field while he was looking out the window. He wasn't used to losing anyone until now. He had his whole family when this happened. Daryl had no one. Most of us didn't. I was just thankful that my sister and brother survived. sister. I looked down at he necklace I still had on and clutched in in my hands. I felt the cold metal hit the palm of my hand. It sent chills through my body. I missed my mom. I missed my brother. I missed my sister. Even though she was still her. She wasn't the same. I haven't really seen her since we found this group and it was breaking me. What hurt me most of all is that I hadn't noticed this until now.

I was deep in my thoughts until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"You okay?". I turned to see Abbie. I got up and hugged her as tight as I could. "Wow I got to breathe mind" she said laughing. I let go.

"Sorry" I said. "I've just missed you" I told her.

"Missed me? I've been here" she said confused.

"I know but you haven't been her with me. We haven't spoken since we found this group. I miss you" I said. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. she wiped it with her thumb and I laughed.

"I'm here now" she said hugging me. I hugged her back just as tight. I noticed Daryl standing by the door looking at us. He was smiling and I smiled back at him and cried harder. I had everything I wanted. My family. Or what was left of it , and my man. My asshole badass redneck. I let go of Abbie and ran to Daryl. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to Abbie.

"Abbie , Daryl. Daryl , Abbie" I said introducing the two.

"Ellie we know each other" Abbie said.

"I know that but not as much as I want you too. I love you both and I want you to get along and know everything about each other. Now , go and get some food and bond" I demanded. Daryl looked at me with evil eyes. I laughed to myself but he saw and slapped my ass as I turned around. I jumped and grabbed my ass. "HEY" I yelled. He laughed and walked away with Abbie. I smiled at myself feeling proud of what I had just done. I got the most secretive person to open up to almost a complete stranger.

I smiled and stopped when a sharp pain came to terms with my stomach. What the fuck?

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