Chapter 31: Remembering

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"I don't know who you people are and I don't trust you. Please just let me go" I begged.
"Ellie we can't go. This is our home. This is our family" Abbie said.
Before I knew it another guy had entered my cell he was wearing a similar outfit to the sheriff but he didn't have a sheriff badge. He looked at me up and down. And then my head hurt. I clenched it in pain and fell to my knees.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I said to the man who just entered my cell. He looked at me as if he expected that answer. Well he should. A memory had come back. It was him....him raping me.

He didn't move so I shouted "GET THE FUCK OUT MY CELL" once again. "SHANE" I yelled.
"Ya remember him?" The redneck asked. I nodded in confusion.
"What do you mean remember him" I asked. The sheriff guy had left and returned with an older man who had a spitting image of someone I knew but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Let me take a look at you" he said quietly and calmly.
"You won't hurt me right?" I asked politely.
"Do I look like I would hurt you?" He said giving me a smile. I smiled back giving him approval to check my head. He did so and turned to the rest who were in my cell.
"What's wrong?" The sheriff said.
"She has damage to the Brian. To much blood lost in the head" the doctor said. Everyone's eyes were averted to the ground except the redneck who was burning my face with his stare.
The redneck stormed out. I didn't really care why , I just wanted that fucking asshole Shane gone. My head started hurting again. I grabbed it screaming and tumbling to my knees once again. The sheriff was behind me trying to help me up. I remembered him. Rick. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't question me he just hugged me back.
"Rick" I said quietly. He pulled away from the hug and looked at me in the eye.
"You remember?" He asked me hopefully. I nodded and then I was pulled back into a hug with him.

My stomach grumbled and Rick pulled away from the hug.
"Come on let's go get something for you to eat" I held on to his arm like a little girl. I was so scared. I didn't know anyone. Someone ran up to me and slung their arms around my waist. I jumped and looked down. A kid about ten years old with a sheriff hat on his head was looking up at me smiling.
"I'm so glad you okay Ellie" he said. I smiled at the boy not knowing who he was but he didn't look like he'd hurt me. I head started to hurt once again. I clenched it like before but this time I stayed standing.
"Carl!" I yelled. He looked at me with that smile still stuck on his face.
"You remember him to" Rick said coming towards me with a bowl full of food. I grabbed the bowl and devouring it. I was so hungry.

It wasn't before long I could remember most of the camp. My family. The only ones I didn't know was an older woman and a young girl and also that redneck. They older woman and the young girl hadn't talked to me which made me wonder if I had ever done anything to them. I walked over to them and opened my mouth ready to talk before another pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. The young girl was now clinging onto me hugging me tighter every time. I pushed her away. She looked at me and then my head hurt once more. It wasn't hurting for long before I could remember her. Sophia. I hugged her and she hugged back once more.

I sat down opposite the older woman and said "I'm sorry". She looked at me confused before saying
"What for?"
"You haven't spoken to me I'm guessing I've done something to you and I'm sorry" I admitted. She laughed and looked at me with sad eyes.
"You haven't done anything" she said. "Remember when you found my little girl I will forever cherish that" she said.
"I'm sorry. I don't remember" I said. Her eyes opened shocked and then she laughed once again. I averted my eyes down in seriousness. She saw this and stopped laughing.
"You're serious? You don't remember me?" She said sadly.
"I'm sorry" I said apologising once again.
"It's okay you will soon sweetie" she said. This made me smile and I hugged her. I trusted this woman. Before I knew it I was on the floor. I was holding my head in pain. My eyes shot opened. Someone was on top of me screaming my name. "ELLIE!"
"Hel...." I started but blacked out.

I woke up once again in the room I was in before. The redneck from earlier was no where to be seen just Rick and Carl. I smiled at them both and sat up. The pain in my head wasn't as bad as earlier.
"What happened?" I asked looking at Rick.
"You passed out" he said chuckling a little.
"It's always me" I said now laughing with him. We all laughed until someone cleared their throat by the door. It was the redneck. Rick told him to come in. He stepped in and stopped. He turned to Rick and said "do ya mind if I talk to er for a minute"
"Not at all" Rick said. I turned my head quickly to Rick. He came over to me and kissed me on the forehead. I looked at him worriedly.
"Don't leave me alone with him" I asked him quietly so only he could hear.
"Please remember" he said quietly looking down. I felt physically bad that I didn't remember him.
"How can ya not rememba me. It was always me and ya. No one else. Except Merle. But before tha. Me and ya." He got up and shook me. I got a bit scared but I didn't scream or make him stop. I trusted him for some reason. Maybe it was his eyes but something was right about him. His touch sent a sharp pain through my head.
"La....ake" I said.
"YES THE LAKE! Do you remember the lake?" He asked quite happy. I shook my head. His happiness was now destroyed.
"I remember a lake but not what happened" I blurted out. He was now staring at the floor. I picked up his chin and made him look at me.
"I may not remember you but your just....right. There's something about you that makes me feel safe. Cared for. Loved" I said and before I knew it his lips met mine. It was magical. Our lips moved in sync. It was like no other feeling I've ever had. He pulled away and started to walk out. That's when I felt another pain in my head. I made no noise but he had stopped in the doorway. He looked back and I looked at him with a smile. My head had stopped hurting he was gone. I ran after him. "DARYL!" I yelled.

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