2. you should know your friends

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You stopped playing on the guitar."Sinds how long you've been playing"Jungkook asked
"i started a few years ago, i also play keyboard"
"sounds cool" Suga said

your POV
they are kind to me.what was i thinking being afraid of brother and his friends
suga's eyes if he looks into your eyes he can kill you
Jungkook is pretty cool he is a great singer
"uhmm... ____ can we borrow your guitar" hoseok asked
"yeah okay here"

j-hope POV
i like it here.
what should Jungkook's sister think about us.we are just a few years older than her.
"Hoseok hyung, Hoseok hyung" "Can you ask ____ for her guitar we want to play something!" jungkook asked"
"uff hyung, its your sister is it so difficult to ask a guitar" j-hope replied
"No, its just funny when you ask it" and all the boys started laughing
"okayy" j-hope said

bts POV
"What wrong with him its just my sister" Jungkook said
"Maybe its weird for him" Jin said
"What do you mean Jin??" Rapmonster asked
"I mean maybe its awkward because he don't know your sister we all don't and it's Hoseok he never shot well with girls" Jin replied
"ohww" and at that moment j-hope walked in with ___'s guitar
*gulp* "hyung did you hear what we said??" Jimin asked
"No why whats wrong??"
"oh nothing" Jin said

J-hope POV
why are the boys acting so weird
>.< i think its about that stupid guitar...
well ___ is okay she is nice
and tomorrow i need to start with school
*gulp* the same school as where ____ is going to....
well funny enough i looked into her beautefull brown eyes.
they are so brown and big and so....
"Hyung stop daydreaming!!!" Jungkook screamed loudly
"why are you getting angry hyung?? did i do something wrong??" jungkook asked with a cute voice
"no kookie its just-"
"Why are you guys screaming there are people who need to study" ___ said
"sorry sis it won't happen again" kookie said and winked at ___
"so what was it where you were dreaming about??" jungkook asked
"it's nothing" and i walked out of the room
"so are you going to school tomorrow?? ___ asked
"yes i think so"
"well my mom i gonna leave for a while so i need to take care of you guys with Jungkook"____said
"It's a big deal i don't wanna talk about it.."
"oh i"m sorry___"
"it's nothing you don't need to apology to me Hoseok" and i smiled at him
"oh fine just call me j-hope everybody call's J-hope"
"well you are older than me so no i think i'm gonna keep calling you hoseok"
we laughed together
"goodnight Hoseok"
did i really had the feeling that i was in heaven???
what's wrong with me ??
eww i start hating myself because of this

your POV
omg what is wrong with me sinds my brother and his friends came home i'm acting so weird?
it's not that i like someone... do i??
no i'm not where is my guitar???
shit Jungkook got my guitar


"Come in.." a deep voice said
"uhmm... hi Taehyung can i have my guitar back??"
"yeah right"
Taehyung handed me my guitar and hold my hand
i was looking at my hand
"uhmm Taehyung can you let go of my hand??"
"oh yeah sorry" and both of us turned red
and then if can't become worser Jungkook walked in while Taehyung holded my hand and thé guitar.
i walked back to my room it was so awkward oh god help me.

Jungkook POV
there shower is perfect for my body
i opend the door of my room and i saw my sister holding V's hand they were blushing and it felt so awkward.
"hey V what-"
"don't dare to ask me what happends or to tell sombody els" V said
"what to tell??" jimin asked
whahahah V was holding my sister's hand
"well if he likes your sister then he need to go for it" jimin said
"go for what??" J-hope asked when he walks in the room
"come on guys stop talking about it it was nothing i don't like your sister she is nice but not my style"
"What do you mean not your style she is the perfect girl for all of us that's why she is my sister"
jin came in "you even didn't know that she is your sister"
"you two even don't look like each other" jimin said
"yeah we are gonna explain that to you little kids"
*someone playing guiter*
"leave it maybe is my sister playing"
"maybe it's their mom"
i looked down at the grond and a tear roll's down my cheek
"hyung are you crying??" Jin asked me
"stop talking about my mom"
"hyung what happends??"
"s-she left home"
and another tear rolls down my cheek
"wait you and your sister are alone now" Jimin asked
"yes but i have you guys and she... i don't know"
"maybe we should be nice at her and comfort her if she need us" suga said
"where did you came from suga?!"
"Korea duhh" he said

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