14. I can't be you, you're dead!

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shocked what happened next, the girl with blood on her clothes and on her face, so many scars on her face but she still Looked so familiar "s-sorry miss" I stuttered "j-junk-kook" she stuttered her voice cracked I wasn't able to recognise her voice "y-yes" I stuttered
"Be careful don't tell them that you saw me ok?" With that she left
I was to afraid So we ran inside our house.

Jin: guys what's wrong? you two looks like you saw a ghost

Jimin: girl, scars, affraid, danger! " he said and run to his room.

Namjoon: where is he talking about?

i tried to speak but before a word left my mouth, everything turned black, i fainted.

i heard a few voices "Kookie wake up""this is no fun kookie" "wake up maknae you have no sweg" after that i heard nothing.


i woke up in a white room, this is not my room, my room is red.

i saw a nurse and the boys, they looked so shocked. i tried to sit but failed, the other members stand around me.

Jungkook: what happened? why am i here? my head hurts

Yoongi: you don't remember?

(jk=Jungkook, jm=Jimin, j=Jin, rm=Namjoon, v=taetae, y= yoongi, h=HOBIEE❤️)
Jk: no the only thing i remember is that creepy girl.
Jm:not her again!
Rm: what, where are you two talking about??
Jk: you know the girl with the black hoodie near our house, her, we saw her face.thats why Jimin is affraid.
J: y-you saw her face?
Jm: yes and you guys don't want to see it!


After talking for hours my hyungs left, i decide to sleep.
~minutes later~
I heard my my door cracking, i thougt that it was a nurse, but she would wake me up but she didn't. I opened my eyes and saw...
Her...the creepy girl...
Girl: i told you to be carefull.
Jungkook: who are you? And how did you came here? And why?!?!
Girl: i came here to see if you were ok. The nurse send me here. And you know who i am.
She took of her hood, that scary Face of hers.
Jungkook: your voice sounds so familiar but how? It's not that i know you, right?
She chuckled
Girl: you do know me Jungkook oppa...
The wat she said my name and oppa, only ____said that in that way..
Jungkook: i'm dreaming, this is fake, it's not you, you're dead.
Girl: oppa look at me, i'm not dead, they killed Samantha.
Jungkook: NO! Sam was at your furneral with three girls.
Girl: she was kind of... But is was there too, you were chasing after us.
Jungkook: n-no____ i miss you so much if it's really you, you know one thing only we know!
Girl: Every time when i go to your room something awkward happened between Taehyung and me....
Jungkook: _____! It's really you!i missed you so much! But why didn't you came back if you were free from them?
Girl: That what i'm trying to tell you... I can't comeback...
I cried and burried my face in the crook of her neck.
Jungkook: w-why not?...  I sobbed
Girl: i need to protect you and the others.
Jungkook: please don't go away ____! I cried harder
Girl: i won't i'm always here,every where you go i'm there to.
Jungkook: promise you will come back
Girl: shoot! It's almost 10 Yoongi will be here in a few minutes
Jungkook: ok
Girl: don't tell anybody About this, and please forgive Yoongi, Forgive Hoseok and Taehyung.
Yoongi came into my room
Yoongi: yoo maknae i ha- what is that doing in your room.
She winked at me and pulled her hood again over her head and left.
Jungkook: thanks for the clothes hyung.
Yoongi: what was she doing in your room.
I don't want to answer that question.
But i need to lie
Jungkook: It's Samantha, she came to visit me.
Yoongi: ok, was she alright? Sinds she died how does she feel?
Jungkook: we didn't spoke About her.
Yoongi: she didn't. Spoke to me ;(
Jungkook: she didn't spoke a lot.
Yoongi: we al felt the same way but she had nobody to share it with we had each other.
Yoongi: i should get going now, the others Will be worried.
Jungkook: bye hyung tell them that i'm fine
Yoongi: bye take care :)
With that he left. I'm sorry that i had to lie to you Yoongi.
Did you like it i'm trying to update more often, so be prepared.
And in the next chapter shit is gonna happen.

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