5. Only two of us

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J-hope came closer to me.
I feel his breath on my skin.
His cold soft breath touches my skin.
He moved his face to my neck, he kissed my neck and moved over to my cheek he kissed my cheek, before he could kiss me on my lips somebody put his hand on my shoulder and somebody else put his hand on J-hope's shoulder...
The one who putted his hand on my shoulder was Jungkook.
The boy who putted his hand on J-hope's shoulder was Suga.
"What are you trying to do hyung?" Suga asked him
I looked back at Jungkook.
"This is why i won't leave my sister alone with one of the bts members!" Jungkook yelled
"You guys always want to kiss her if you want to tell her what you feel for her!" Jungkook said

*Riiinnngggg* my phone started ringing
I looked at my phone
"Who is it??" Jungkook asked
"None of your business." I walked away to pick up the phone

Samantha: heay ____ it's me Samantha
Me: heay Samantha how are you?
Samantha: I'm fine he can I speak with you tonight I will come to your house?
Me: yeah fine why can't you tell me on the phone?
Samantha: I need to speak you I can't tell you on the phone
Me: okay I will see you tonight

"Who was that??"
"Oh my god you almost gave me an heart attack!" I said
"Are you gonna hang out with somebody tonight?" Jungkook asked
"No? Why do you think that?"
"Because if you were going somewhere I won't let you go" Jungkook said
"Why not?" I asked
"Did you already forgot that j-hope almost kissed you!" Jungkook shouted
"Why are you acting like j-hope is the worst thing in your life!" I shouted back
"If it was jimin or v who kissed you I didn't care even when it was Rap mon or Yoongi but not J-hope I won't let J-hope kiss my sister!" Jungkook said
"Look behind you Jungkook" I said
Jungkook turned around and saw his hyungs standing behind him Jin was hugging J-hope they were trying to calm J-hope down
"He wanted to slap you but we are trying to calm him down" Suga said
"These boys are your hyungs right aren't they! Why are you treating one of them like he is nothing to you what did he have done to deserf this ?" I asked him
"..."Jungkook didn't anwser me
"so you are not gonna say anything..."
"tonight somebody will come for me to talk with me if you guys screw it up you guys need a new place to stay!"
and i walked to the songwrite room
jungkook walked to his room
"j-hope  are you okay??"Suga asked
j-hope sat down on the couch followed by the other members.
"i never can say what i feel for her it's to difficult" j-hope said
"hyung i'm so sorry" Suga said
"it's fine"
i walked to the living room and saw them talking
"hey i'm going outside" i said
after a while Jungkook ran downstairs
"jungkook what's wrong?"
the bts members stood up from the couch
"DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHERE SHE IS???" jungkook asked almost crying
"she is outside" Rap monster said
"hyung tell us first what's happend"
"i was in her room when i saw her diary it was open so i looked in the diary i looked a little bit and saw a few pages with things about self harming!!!"
"Whatdo you mean with self harming??"Suga asked
"i think she is gonna kill herself" Jungkook said and fell down on his knees he was crying
"we need to find her!!!" Jin shouted
then i came inside again
"uhmm what's wrong?" i asked
"YOU ARE BACK i'm so happy you are back!!!"Jungkook shouted
and jungkook hugged me tight
i hugged him back
"why are you crying Jungkook??"i asked
"ehmm can you let go of me now i almost can't breath"
"ow eheheh sorry"
i wiped away his tears
"tell us you never ever will leave us"Jungkook said
"i never can leave you guys" i said
when it became night we all were sitting around the table and were talking.

"i'm going to open the door"
*opens door*
"Heay Samantha"i greeted her
"hii ____"
"come inside"i said
"heay  i'm Samantha ____'s cousin"
"Samantha this are my brother and his friends" i said
"NO WAY that's bts" she said
"hey she know us" Jimin said
"yeah because of ____ she is also an army"
"what?? my brother is a bts bmember
"Oh yeah that's right!"
"So how old are you Samantha??" Jungkook asked
"I'm nineteen y/o."
"Oh yes I forgot uhmm I need to tell you something ____..."
Everybody became quit
"What do you want to tell me or us?"
"M-my parents and your mother..."
"What happens with them??"
"Please don't cry Samantha!"
"You know your mom left you guy's..."
"Is our mom okay??" Jungkook asked
"I-I don't think so."
Jungkook and I looked at each other Tears rolled down our cheeks
"Are your parents okay Samantha??"
"No they are dead."
And she cried
"You can't be serious so mom left earth to..."
"Yes the plain crashed down"
"I'm so sorry Kookie" I said with a waterfall on my face"
"Mom is not the only who left us..."
"What do you mean Jungkook??"
And the members started looking at each other like what happens
"He left me two years ago he couldn't take it anymore and he killed his self"
Jungkooks crying became louder and harder
I hugged him
"Everything will be fine we have each other..."
"You're right.."
Our crying was unstoppable.
"But Sam how about you??"
"I have no place to stay so can I stay at your house for one night and then I will find an another place to stay??"
"You can stay here as long as you want but you need to share a room with me"
"Can i really stay here??"
"Did you forgot that there are seven other boys who live here?" V said
"No but she is my cousin and she can stay here" i said

"wait i still need to tell you guys something"

"what is it??"Suga asked

"you guys still didn't know how this brother sister thing happends"

"oh tell us!!"V shouted and swinged his arms in the air

"well before i was born my parent adopted Jungkook the doctor said that would't survive it...so they adopted Jungkook. A few weeks later i was born i was healty and our parents had fights with each other.... So my dad took Jungkook with him and left me and my mom here, My dad and Jungkook went to Korea. My mom was alone with me she became depressed and tried to kill herself... When i became ten my mom told me that she would stop with selfharming i really though she stopped but she didn't. it only looks like it so i told her if she didn't feel well go outside and take a breath. When she went outside i already know that it will take a few weeks till she returns so my neighbors took care of me when she was gone. I though it's because of me that she was like this but that wasn't truth it was because of my dad who left us. I didn't know that i had a brother but now i know why they would keep it a secret..."


i'm sorry this part is really boring

school sucks the energy out of me i'm tires asf and i don't know what to do with this story

but i'm also gonna make a new story about vixx and bts

and also a dutch story bye bye

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