7. betrayed

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The next morning I woke up and saw Hoseok still asleep
When I looked in front of me I saw Samantha,Jungkook and the other boys smirking with their arms crossed.
"sinds when are you guys in my room??" i asked
"shhh he is still asleep" Jin wisperd
"okay but tell me??" i asked again
"we want to know what happend yesterday night" Jungkook said smirking
"huh what do you mean??" i asked inocently
"you know what i mean i  saw you and Hoseok, how cute my little sis and Hoseok" Jungkook said
"well i'm not the only one" and i looked over at Jimin and Samantha. Everybody looked at them exept Hoseok he was still asleep
"did you tell her Sam?" Jimin asked
"no, but how did you"
"i'm ____ that's just what i do" i smirked
"EVIL SIS" Jungkook screamed in the room Hoseok woke up with Jungkooks screaming
"shut the fuck up hyung i was sleeping" he said with a huskily voice and he trew a pillow at jungkook
Hoseok faced me "where is that kid talking about??" he asked
i didn't say anything and just hugged him "awww how sweet" we heard behind us
"i'm gonna shower" i said
i took my clothes and walked to the shower when i was finished i went downstairs to help Sam and Jin with cooking.
"noona what are we gonna do today??" V asked
"i don't know V"
"lets do something fun like walking in a park" V suggested
"hmm we can do that today" i said
Hoseok walked downstairs
"mmm what is that amazing smell??" he asked with a million dollar smile
"it's Jin" i answered
"oh i hoped that it was you" he said with a smirk
V just looked at him with a wtf-are-you-trying-to-do expression.
when everybody was at the diner table i asked if they wanted to go to the park in front of my house.
everybody nodded.
"_____ you still need to explain us something" Jungkook said smirking
i gave him a where-the-hell-are-you-talking-about face.
"i mean what happends yesterday night" he said
"oh yeah that i will tell you later and not when little kids are here" i said
"which kids do you mean" he asked and i looked at V and Jimin
"YAH!! we are not little kids" they screamed
"aww how cute but for me you two are little kids" i  said
after we finished our breakfast we cleaned the kitchen with 'we' i mean Jin and I. the others were playing games or they were on theire phone.

j-hope, V, Sam and I went earlier to the park V said that he wanted to confess to Samantha.

3th person
J-hope, V, Samantha and ____ went to the park.
"Samantha can i talk to you for a second" V asked
"uhm ok"
"sinds the day i saw you at ____ house i fell in love with you.. do you want to  be mine?" V asked
"o-oh V t-that so sweet i-i like you to" Samantha said V leaned to her and kissed her on her lips
while J-hope and ____ were walking they were looking at V and Samantha
"aww how sweet" ____ said
"yeah the alien grows up" J-hope said smilling
V and Samantha walked over to us hand in hand
"hey ____ can you give me the keys of the house i forgot something" V said
"here" ____ gave him the keys
"i need to go Kookie is calling me"____ said
after a few minuts a girl ran to J-hope.
"hoseok oppa i missed you so much" she screamed
"oh hey Yuri how are you"
"who is that" she asked with and gave Samantha a bitchy glare
"oh did you know that i told you that Jungkook should meet his sister well this is her cousin" he answered
"but why are you with her" yuri asked
"she is V hyung's girlfriend"
"oh congrats" yuri said
"thank you" Samntha replied
while Yuri and J-hope were talking V was calling Samantha she leaved Yuri and Hoseok and went outside the park after a few more minuts bts, Samantha and ____ were walking into the park when te boy's saw Hoseok kissing Yuri
Yuri is not just a girl she is J-hope's ex
the everybody stopped with walking when they saw Hoseok and Yuri
____ couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Hoseok kissing that girl she walked away and ran to her house
jungkook walked to Hoseok and slapped him in his face while Suga was trying to find ____ .
"what are you doing with your ex girlfriend !!" Jungkook screamed
"w-what n-nothing" Hoseok replied
"so kissing your ex girlfriend and hurting your new one is nothing! i trust you with  my sister you idiot and you just break her heart like every fucking boy does!" Jungkook screamed and walked away from his hyungs
"i though that ____ would feel better when she is with you but now i can't trust you anymore" Samantha said coldy
hoseok didn't respond
"who the hell is ____" yuri asked
everybody walked away when Suga called Namjoon
"guys Suga is calling me"
he pick up his phone
"namjoon ____ is at home and she locked all the doors we can't get in"
"than call ____ to ask if she can open the door"
"i tried but she wont pick up"
"we are coming "
he hung up and walked home
"guys come ____ locked all the doors we can't come in"
j-hope was still standing in the park with Yuri clunging on his arms
"oppa do you want to come over to my house" Hoseok nodded and walked with Yuri to her house


in front of ____'s house
"Jungkook call ____ she need to open the door" Jin screamed
____ opend her room window and looked at her brother
"eyy" she screamed
everybody looked at her window
"i don't see Hoseok" she said and walked away from the window
she opend the front door
"come in" she said and walked again to her room
"don't go to her she needs time" Jungkook said
but Suga didn't care he just walked to ____'s room her back was facing Suga so she didn't notice him he walked closer to ____


end of chapter 7 bye love you all


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