Everyone left, they hate me, they don't care about me.
And you kept thinking what did you do wrong or what happened and they all suddenly stopped talking to you.
You kept blaming yourself to the point you became very depressed.
Have you not thought to yourself that you will be answering Allah alone and not with the help of even your parents on the day of reckoning?
Look, I too have been in this phase. Believe me.
But it is very wrong to blame yourself because of the things that happened, its simply a fact that says these people are not good for you and Allah saved you from them, it must be surreal for you now but in time Allah will show you why such people do not exist in your life anymore, and when that time comes you'll realize it is all for your well being.
Indeed, people are dependent, sometimes to the one they love, their friends or family, not thinking that eventually these people will go either by the time they reach old age or that by the time you have done something wrong and they can't forgive you and just want you out of their lives.
Yes, this happens, there are people like that in this world. May Allah forgive us all.
So today, I wanted to share this beautiful story of a man who will show you great strength of His trust with Allah and that true companionship comes from Allah as well.
I will not be narrating his whole life but just this event that highlighted such beautiful and inspiring moment to everyone.
This happened during the battle of Tabuk where the Muslims marched forth to fight against the Romans, and during this time, there was drought and many weak souls remained behind.
Most of those who remained behind were of the hypocrites who scoffed the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and his Companions Radiyallahu Anhum for marching forth in the heat.
During this arduous march with the scorching heat above them, they noticed that Abu Dharr RA was not among them, and so one of Sahabah said "O Messenger of Allah, Abu Dharr has remained behind, his riding camel has slowed him down."
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said:
"Leave him for if he has goodness in him, Allah will make him catch up with you. And if he is otherwise, then Allah has disburdened you of him."
Thus they continued to march without pause.
Meanwhile, Abu Dahrr RA was trying to prod his riding camel to move faster, but his attempts in vain. So he took his things, carried them on his back and followed the tracks of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and his Sahabah RA.
When from a distance the Muslims saw the rising of dust, a sign that a man was approaching they said, "O Messenger of Allah, this indeed is a man who is walking all by himself on the road."
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam said expectantly, "Be Abu Dharr!" When the man came nearer and the people were able to discern his features, they said, "By Allah, he is Abu Dharr, O Messenger of Allah!"
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam then said: "May Allah have mercy on Abu Dharr; he walks alone, he will die alone, and he will be resurrected alone."
_____What does this story teaches us?
That like Abu Dharr, even if we have faith in Allah, we will be tested in so many ways but it is only those who are the likes of Abu Dharr that we could achieve such beautiful reward.
Indeed, like Abu Dharr, we also will and may have experienced the lost of beloved ones, or have our so called friends leaving us or even talking about us behind our backs, but even in seclusion and without companionship, Abu Dharr risen to follow the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam, and look how Allah made him catch up and be with the companionship of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam.
So if you come and think of it, we have to stay focused to our goal, ask yourself, if you were in same situation like of that of Abu Dharr RA, being left and would have to walk alone, would you actually walk forward or just stay depressed and whine about how they left you or they hate you because they left you or would you be like Abu Dharr that is so determined to go on?
Ask yourself, is it your friends or these people the reason that makes you really happy and makes you say "I shall go on"?
______And I pray that Allah enlightens our hearts to yearn for His Companionship along with the companionship of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and His Companions on the day we return back to Him. May He make the day we finally meet Him the most beautiful day of ours.
-Umm Umar Khaled
Inspirational Stories
SpiritualFew Selected Stories which Inspires us.. give it a try.. hope u wont regret reading this.. -OwnerOfTajMahal 30/08/2016 - #67 in spiritual