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Few year back a Muslim Girl on facebook from Hyderabad City(India) sought help in order to understand her Hindu boyfriend to convince about Islam, so He became Muslim and Eventually She can marry him. She ask lots of questions and He asked too on Islam, & later on, He declared his Faith on Islam and became Muslim, there was a issue on his Name because It contain Name of Shirk, I advise change the Name, discussion went through the Mail privately, finally I have done Allhamdulilha afterwards never had any private discussion with them & later I have check her facebook found they have married, felt happy both are now on strong faith on Islam & living happily.

Initially I thought it would be useless, if I would have directly criticized her for having boyfriend and have harram relationship, I had fear she would have become murtad or she will marry him as he being Hindu only.

This girl regularly on our page, use to give good MashAllah Islamic comments, I just thought to give a look Fb of that Boy and When I saw, I just fall into terrible astonished, shocking, oblivion, that boy she married, he is greeting on Hindu festivals, recently last Diwali etc.. Besides posting some Islamic posts & Boy has not changed his Name as well. My mind just became blank for a moment, Is he really accepted Islam or just Name sake to marry Her or She really think He Is Muslim? Or recited Sahadaah just for show off ?.

The two Wali(Guardians) she appointed in order to solemnized Valid Nikah, are these two 'Wali' had not did little bit of cross examine the boy, whether his faith on Islam out of believe on Allah or just to fulfill merely a marriage protocol because of love on her girlfriend more, rather than believe on Allah.

For the importance of Wali in Islam, read the book [I want to marry, but... by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala. May Allah bless him. Ameen.] in the book brother described Wali as

"The Arabic word 'wali' means a Well wisher, a Protector, a Guardian"

["...The guardian is not a mere rubber stamp for fulfilling protocols of nikah....but a man who out of concern makes proper investigation about the family background of the boy and negotiates all aspects of marriage. He has a sense of responsibility regarding the happiness of his daughter. He does not want his daughter to be cheated into a nikah. He wants to examine the religious aspects too, so that his daughter may not end up in a marriage that can be a threat to her Aakhira. That is what the wali is for."]

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Any woman who gets married without the permission of her guardian, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1102), classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa' al-Ghaleel (1840).

The 'wali' she has appointed they are not even qualified as a rubber stamp which is available on any groceries shop, but they are worst than rubber stamp, as they have not even investigate, whether the boy is Muslim or not, basic Aqeeda, creeds of Islam, leave aside other things.

These wali's actually agreed that Marrying with a Non-Muslim is allowed in Islam, Shirk is permissible, kufr is permissible, etc...Thought they might not be agreed straight away but when they have anointed as 'wali', not guiding her properly, thought it's their duty guided her properly, even they have to guided not to marry him as he is unfit for a Muslim girl.

"There is no person to whom Allaah has given people to take care of, and he fails to take care of them properly, but he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Saheeh Bukhari no. 6731; Saheeh Muslim, no. 142)

Requesting to the Muslim Brothers, Don't rush to become Wali, whenever a Muslim Girls comes after run's harrami relationship after long time, with her Kafir Boyfriend & wanted to marry him. Wali is responsibility, you will be accountable on the day of Judgment for sure In Shaa Allah, you will be in big trouble, you will be responsible for everything which goes wrong with her, which you have not concerned about it.

Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) said.

"Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of the people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects: a man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for his subjects, a woman is the guardian of her husband's home and of his children and is responsible for them, and the slave of a man is a guardian of his master's property and is responsible for it. Surely, everyone of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock."
[Sahih Muslim, Book 20, Number 4496]

Be a Wali in true sense, guide them as you guide your own sisters & daughters, don't destroy yours Akhira, you will be accountable for your roles and responsibility, don't become just a name sake wali, having a believe we are saving a Muslim girl, being a wali in her marriage'.

Actually this attitude causing most of the Muslim girls running after kafir boys and later destroying their own worldly life and Akhira, given a incurable wounds, pain to their parents.

How can that girl can be trusted or can be said she is right when she have kicked her own parents taking not as 'wali' & appointing someone else, in order to marry a kafir, they guy who marry her has to be an idiot, when she can stab back her own parents, mercilessly, does she will spare him ?

As Most of the Questions, we were use to received on our page inbox most of the questions asked by the Muslim girls, her boyfriend is Non Muslim and Want marry him & how to convince about Islam.

My answer is Simple:

"Why He will accept Islam when you have shown the lowest character, being a Muslimah, what difference make between you being Muslimah and other girls? Nothing! "

May Allah give Hidaya to our Muslim girls that life is not a Hollywood or Bollywood etc.. Love stories.

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