Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.
Do you even know ,
When u are in the comfort of your house in Air conditioned room sitting with video game or t.v on - beside your mother who's feeding you ,
There are some people on Road side in small hut( if it is even called as hut) ,
Barely covered , thirsty-Hungry ,sweaty , looking after their younger siblings who are crying because of hunger and heat , while their mother cooks food (if she has ) ..You should be grateful to Allah swt and then to your hardworking parents..
If Allah swt has provided you people with money and food then try and donate it to some-trust worthy NGO who will look after poor people.
Or you can send meals in Madarsa who will feed poor children
Or you can Arrange a society meeting and collect funds to feed poor once a week ..
Or you can collect your old belongings and collect it from your society as well for donating them to poor people.So many things can be done if you want to help poor ..
All it requires is intention and hardwork.
We are the youth of Our Islam..
We can bring a good change in the image of muslims , starting from our society to our city then our state and slowly over the years the image of muslims will improve all over the Globe in Sha Allah .All you need is pure intention and hardwork .
And its mostly for Boys /Men because Women cant step up in society and bring a Good change .
Let's start now for a better Tomorrow for our Muslim siblings and next generation.
Discuss it Among your freinds and start making a good effort , verily Allah swt will not ignore your effort and will reward you .. in sha Allah..
In sha Allah ..Jazak Allahu khair...
Inspirational Stories
SpiritualFew Selected Stories which Inspires us.. give it a try.. hope u wont regret reading this.. -OwnerOfTajMahal 30/08/2016 - #67 in spiritual