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Authors note: Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. I hope you have liked it so far. :) 

I awake to the sound of my alarm clock exhausted from the night before since Lena decided to drag me to a Thursday night party. I roll out of bed and grab my toiletry bag and go into the bathroom turning to shower water about as hot as it will go. After what seemed to be an eternity in the shower I turn the nobs off and get out. Then rummaging through my closet I pull out something casual from my day at work. (Link to the outfit on the side where it says external link). After applying little makeup and straightening my hair I head downstairs.

"Morning mom." 

"Morning Grace, i'm running late so I gotta go. I will see you when I get in tonight."

With that being said I grab my purse and head for my car. 

After a ten minute drive to "DJ Stations" I get out and go inside.

"Hey Grace, can you start stocking this new shipment of Cd's?"

"Yeah, sure." I say grabbing the cart

That's when the memory of last night came flooding back, my ride home. Harry. 'He is.. dark and mysterious, almost like he has something to hide. He is quite gorgeous, he has a beautiful smile and those dimples..' 'What am I thinking? Stop that Grace', I think to my self.

I pull out my phone to send a text to Lena "Hey, I'm gonna stay over at the apartment tonight. Wanna stay too?"

Within seconds I read "Yeah, I'll get the movies and you get the food." 

After helping helping a few customers and cleaning up around the store my shift was finally over.

"Bye Marv!"

"See ya Monday Grace!"


I pull into the driveway of my mothers house and go inside to pick up my things and leave her a note.

"Mom, i'm gonna stay over at the apartment tonight with Lena. See ya tomorrow. x - Grace."

I walk out the door to my car and put the boxes in the trunk and set out on my way to the Chinese restaurant. 

After placing my order I sit down in one of the booths and pull out my phone to check Twitter. I get that feeling of someone watching me so I glance around the room when suddenly I see a familiar face. Harry. I quickly go back to messing around on my phone trying not to acknowledge his presence. 

'He is here alone? Whats a guy like him doing eating dinner alone? I mean look at him you would think he would have ever girl in town trying to get a date with him' I thought to myself before I was startled by "Grace Turner" Grace Turner your order is ready" being shouted from the counter.

I grab my purse and hurry to the counter to pay the lady. As I head out the door I take one last glance at Harry, who is now occupied by his food not noticing me checking to see if he was still staring at me.

When I pull into the parking lot I see Lenas shiny black car already there, I pull in beside her and motion for her to come help me carry in the food and luggage. 

After fumbling with the door I finally manage to get it open and sit the food down on the kitchen counter while Lena carries the boxes into my bedroom.

"Yumm, my favorite,"  Lena says while diving into the takeout

"So, there's gonna be a huge party tomorrow night at the same house we went last night and I was wondering if you would go with me again?"

"Yeah, sure." I say smiling at her, then I remembered I hadn't told her about my encounter with Harry and decided maybe it was best I just keep it to myself anyways.

"Good, Kale said he can find someone for you to go with if you want."

"No, that's fine. I will manage on my own."

Let's watch this one! I heard it's really good. Lena says as I look down at the front cover reading 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'

 Authors note: In the comments leave what you think is gonna happen at the party :) Please continue to vote. I am really enjoying writing this and hope you are enjoying reading. I will post the next chapter when this one gets 7 votes and 5-7 comments.  - Amber ♥

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