#4, His Son Has A Crush On You

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"Y/N!" My three year old son, Kyle screamed at my girlfriend Y/N as she entered my flat.

"KYLE!" She yelled back while picking him up off the floor and spinning him around. "How was your day, bud?"

"It was boring!" He giggled while she kissed his head. "But it's much better now; because you're here!"

"So it wasn't fun with me?" I asked him jokingly. He shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong, daddy. You're fun, too, but Y/N's funner."

I laughed and kissed his head. "Okay then, Y/N's going to watch you while I go to my concert. Be good, yeah?"

"Okay." He said while nodding his little head. "I'll save Y/N from the monsters under my bed, too!"

"You do that." I laughed while slipping out of the door. "I'll be back by 11:00."

Y/N kissed me on the cheek and waved me goodbye. Before I stepped out of the house, I heard Kyle whisper to her, "Don't worry. The monsters would never hurt you. You're beautiful." 



"I'm back!" I yelled through my flat. I left Y/N and my five year old son Brandon home so I could go grocery shopping. "Hello?"

They didn't answer. I placed the bags down on the kitchen counter and searched throughout the house to try to find them. I heard giggling coming from Brandon's room, and when I opened the door and saw the cutest scene ever.

Brandon was down on one knee, and held a candy ring out in front of him. "Y/N, you're very pretty. Will you marry me?" He asked. I whipped out my phone and recorded all of it.

Y/N laughed and nodded her head. "Of course I'll marry you!"  

He jumped up from his spot on the floor and kissed her cheek while giving her a million watt smile. "I promise you that you'll never regret it."



Y/N was babysitting my 5 year old son Jacob while I hung out with the lads for a while. "Y/N, Jacob I'm back!" I don't hear a response. I walk into the living room and saw Jacob giving Y/N a kiss on the cheek.

"Y/N you're so pretty. I love you." He said. Y/N smiled and snuggled up with Jacob while watching the rest of Finding Nemo.

"I love you too, kido." She laughed. His smile soon grew huge and he blushed.

"Really?" He asked.

"Super positively." She laughed.

"Hey! You're steeling my girlfriend away from me!" I laughed. Jacob jumped away from her and blushed a deep red. He slid off of the couch and ran over to me to elope me in a hug.

"I'm going to marry her one day." He whispered to me while pointing to Y/N.

"Not if I beat you to it." 



"Call Y/N Daddy, call her!" My seven year old son Calum shouted.

"Why do you want me to call her so badly?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Because. I want to spend some alone time with her without you messing it up!"

I grasped my chest in my hands with mock hurt. "Are you saying that I mess everything up?"

"Pretty much, yeah." He giggled. I gasped at my sassy boy and began to tickle him.

"STOP! PLEASE!" He shouted.

"Not until you tell me why you want her to babysit you so badly."

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" He shouted.

"I love you to, buddy!"

I stopped tickling Calum, and we both turned our heads to see a very amused Y/N standing in the hallway.

"I'll leave you two to have your 'alone time' now." I said slyly as I exited the house to go to my appointment.  



"Daddy? Can I be allowed to date now?" My son asked me during dinner. I chocked on the water that I was drinking earlier.

"What did you say?" I asked when all of the water was out of my lungs.

"Would I be able to date?"

"Daniel, your only six years old! Why would you need to date someone now?"

"Because I love this girl!" He cried. "I'm just worried that someone would take her before I do."

I smiled down at my little boy, and chuckled softly. "Dan, if you were meant to be with her, nothing would get in the way for long." I reasoned.

"But... She might leave soon! I can't let her leave!"

"There will always be mights, buts, and maybes. If it was meant to be, than it will happen."

Wait, what am I doing? I'm having a conversation with my six year old son about dating and love! So, I decided to turn the convo a little more kid friendly.

"So, who is this girl?" I smirked at him while eating another bite of my pizza. "She must be special."

"Oh, she is." He said dreamily. "She's so pretty, smart, and nice!"

"Who is she?" I asked again, but a little bit more eagerly. I really wanted to find out who he liked.

"Y/N." He answered shyly. I laughed at his embarrassed state.

"Don't worry kid, I like her too."

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