#34: Tickle Fights

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AN: One of you guys gave me this idea. Again, I can't view the comments, so message me what you commented and I will go back and change the chapter so that you have credit!


"Liam stop!" You giggled as your boyfriend began to tickle your neck. Liam chuckled and ran his large fingers faster across your neck and sides, making you squirm in discomfort.

"Only until you kiss me!" He laughed. You caved and planted your lips to his whist smiling.

He wrapped his large hands around your waist slowly and you put yours onto his shoulders. "I love you so much, you know that?" You whispered against his lips.

Liam smiled. "I think I got the idea."


Harry was acting very touchy today, and you found that extremely adorable, except when he would touch your sides. You were extremely ticklish.

"Stop!" You yelled as he brushed his fingers along your hips.

"I need a kiss to stop." He would try to coax you into it. "Give me a kiss and I will stop!"

"But Harry!" You whined between giggles. "I don't want to!"

"Then too bad!" Hw laughed. You gave in and kissed him on the cheek. "Not fair." He pushed his bottom lip out, and you kissed it.

"You are way to cute, Styles."

You and your siblings used to play fight a lot when you were small. Your brother always had a habit of trying to give you a charlie horse on your thigh, so whenever people would touch your leg, you would jump away and squeal
It was a instinct.

So when Niall ran his hand over your thigh, you erupted into a fit of giggles and ran to the opposite side of the room. "Ticklish, are we?" He smirked. You shook your head.

"Not in the slightest bit." You lied. Niall saw right through it. He kissed you while brushing your thighs repeatedly. You squealed and tried to get away, but he held you close and would not let you go.

"Y/N, if you don't stop blocking the T.V. I will..."

"You will what?" You giggled while splaying your arms all the way across the T.V. Louis rolled his eyes and smirked.

"I will tickle you."

Louis shot up from the couch and ticked you to death. "Im going to pee!" You screamed at him; hoping that he would let you go.

"Too bad."

"Y/N stop!" Zayn giggled as you tickled him. You smirked, having never have thought that your boyfriend could get even more adorable.

"Not until you kiss me!" You yelled again. Zayn finally stopped squirming and gave you a big sloppy kiss.

"Is that better?" He asked you. You nodded your head and smirked.

"Yes, it is."

AN: OMG can you imagine a ticklish Zayn? SO CUTE

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